Game Manager
Hands tab
Displays a list of all hands enabled on the Limit & Special Hands option
page and hands and patterns enabled in other than Basic points, Basic
sets and Flowers and Seasons categories on the Sets and
Patterns option page (under Scoring
section in the category
tree of the Preferences dialog box).
- You can modify the list by clicking it with the right mouse button and choosing from the
context menu Show Low-Scoring Hands (that is, hands scoring one or two
doubles/han/faan or a small amount
of points), Show High-Scoring Hands, or both.
- You can sort the hands alphabetically, by scoring value or by category by
choosing the equivalent command on the context menu.
- To let Four Winds suggest you hands to collect, choose Suggest Collectibles from
the context menu. The suggested hands, if any, are shown in bold. Notice that Four Winds
does not always check whether the suggested hands can really be collected, it usually only
indicates, which hands seem plausible to collect based on the tiles in your hand.
- To see the full description and scoring of each hand in the list, position the mouse
cursor over an item's graphical presentation and hold the cursor still for a second.
- To magnify the hands, hold down the SHIFT key while moving the mouse cursor over the
- Note that if you play a 5-set game (16-tile Mah Jong), the graphical hand
descriptions do not include the 5th set.
Tip: You cannot print the hands displayed in the Hands
tab, but you can print the scoring assignments with graphical descriptions by
using the print feature of Preferences dialog box. For details, see Printing
scoring items.
Related topics:
Game Manager Overview
Game Manage Rules tab
Game Manager Statistics tab
Game Manager Moves tab
Game Manager Chat tab