Rule variations
Claiming rules Chows
In the traditional Mah Jong a Chow can be claimed only from the player on the left of the
claimer (that is, from the previous player regarding the claimers position), except
in situations, where the claimed tile can be used to go out (in this case, the tile can normally be
claimed from any player). Sometimes this exception is not allowed, and in some
rules claiming for Chows is allowed only on going out.
Some rules dont apply any restrictions on claiming of a tile for a Chow, in which
case the claimer who sits closest to the discarder (that is, the player whose turn comes
first after the discarder) gets the discarded tile.
To specify the claiming rules for Chows:
- Choose Preferences on the File menu.
- From the Rule Presets list, choose a customized rule preset.
- Choose Claiming under the Rules section of the
category tree.
- Select the preferred option from the Chows list. The available
options are as follows:
No restrictions. Player can claim a tile for a Chow from any player.
Only from previous player (any player on going out). Player can claim
a tile for a Chow only from the previous player ("player on the
left"), but if he can complete his hand, there are no restrictions for
claiming (i.e., a tile for a completing Chow can be claimed from any
player). This is the traditional option and used practically in all rule
presets (excepting Four Winds, which uses the following option).
Only from previous player (even when going out). Player can claim a
tile for a Chow only from the previous player ("player on the
left"), including a situation where he can use the claimed tile to go
Only on going out (from any player). Player can claim a tile for a
Chow only if he can use the claimed tile to go out. No restrictions are
applied for player the tile can be claimed from.
Never. Players cannot claim a tile for a
Chow, not even when going out, but Chows can exist as concealed sets in the
Note: This restriction is applied to regular hands only. For irregular
hands any winning tile can be claimed (a tile that completes an irregular hand
is not considered as a tile completing a set, even if it appears to complete a
"Chow" or a "pair").
Related topics:
Claiming rules – Pair
Claiming rules – Over-claiming
Claiming rules – Sacred Discard
Claiming rules – Missed Discard
Claiming rules Kuikae
Claiming rules – Competitive claims for going out