Example of the point calculation and payments

5. Comparison table

The following table shows the final payments using three different rules. The hand is in each case the same (the one used in the previous four examples):
Case European Classical Japanese Modern Hong Kong Mah Jong
East goes out self-drawn 840 points 3,600 points 24 points
East goes out with a discard 780 points 3,400 points 8 points
– Discarder pays 260 points 3,400 points 4 points
– Other losers pay each 260 points 2 points
West goes out self-drawn 520 points 2,400 points 24 points
West goes out with a discard 480 points 2,300 points 8 points
– Discarder (East) pays 240 points (more than others only for being East) 2,300 points 4 points
– Other losers pay each 120 points 2 points
Conclusions Discarder pays the same as other losers;
East pays and receives twice; losers pay to each other according to the difference of their total scores
Discarder pays for all losers; East pays and receives twice; only the winner is paid All pay double if the winning tile is self-drawn, otherwise only the discarder pays double; East pays and receives normally

Related topics:
East goes out with a self-drawn tile
East goes out with a discarded tile
West goes out with a self-drawn tile
West goes out with a discarded tile
Payments between losers