Example of the point calculation and payments

6. Payments between losers

Let's assume that West has won the deal and the players have the following hands. The Wind of the Round is East and the winner went out on North's discard.  

East.gif (1038 bytes)East.gif (1038 bytes)East.gif (1038 bytes)  Dot6.gif (1110 bytes)Dot7.gif (1135 bytes)Dot8.gif (1109 bytes)
Bamboo8.gif (1088 bytes)Bamboo8.gif (1088 bytes) Dot1.gif (1150 bytes)Dot1.gif (1150 bytes)Dot1.gif (1150 bytes) Dot5.gif (1117 bytes)Dot5.gif (1117 bytes)
East's hand
South.gif (1056 bytes)South.gif (1056 bytes)South.gif (1056 bytes)South.gif (1056 bytes) Dragongr.gif (1088 bytes)Dragongr.gif (1088 bytes)Dragongr.gif (1088 bytes)
Char6.gif (1100 bytes)Char6.gif (1100 bytes) Char7.gif (1094 bytes)Char8.gif (1099 bytes)Char9.gif (1107 bytes) Dot6.gif (1110 bytes)Dot6.gif (1110 bytes)
South's hand
Char5.gif (1123 bytes)Char5.gif (1123 bytes)Char5.gif (1123 bytes) Char6.gif (1100 bytes)Char7.gif (1094 bytes)Char8.gif (1099 bytes)
Bamboo5.gif (1084 bytes)Bamboo6.gif (1072 bytes)Bamboo7.gif (1084 bytes) Char2.gif (1080 bytes)Char3.gif (1092 bytes)Char4.gif (1115 bytes) Dot2.gif (1074 bytes)Dot2.gif (1074 bytes)
West's hand
Dot5.gif (1117 bytes)Dot6.gif (1110 bytes)Dot7.gif (1135 bytes)
Bamboo4.gif (1068 bytes)Bamboo5.gif (1084 bytes)Bamboo6.gif (1072 bytes) Bamboo8.gif (1088 bytes)Bamboo8.gif (1088 bytes) Char1.gif (1075 bytes)Char1.gif (1075 bytes) Dot2.gif (1074 bytes)Dot3.gif (1077 bytes)Dot4.gif (1088 bytes)
North's hand
The following table shows the point calculation for each player. The calculation is based on the European Classical rule preset:
8 Concealed Pung of Terminals
4 Melded Pung of Winds
x 2 Pung of own Wind
x 2 Pung of Wind of the Round
50 Total (rounded off after doubles)
4 Melded Pung of Dragons
16 Melded Kong of Winds
x 2 Pung of Dragons
x 2 Kong of own Wind
80 Total (rounded off after doubles)
20 Winning
2 Melded Pung
20 Total (rounded off after doubles)
0 Total
The following table shows the payments between players:
(50 pts)
(80 pts)
(20 pts)
(0 pts)
East 0 60 40 -100
South -60 0 20 -80
West -40 -20 0 -20
North 100 80 20 0
Total 0 120 80 -200

As the table shows, the winner's (West's) points are determined directly by the value of his hand (though East pays double). Losers pay to each other according to the difference of their final scores.

Notice that a loser can collect more points than the winner!

Related topics:
East goes out with a self-drawn tile
East goes out with a discarded tile
West goes out with a self-drawn tile
West goes out with a discarded tile
Comparison table