
Bonus for dealer's extra hands

If enabled on the Extra Payments and Rounding page (under the Scoring section in the category tree of the Preferences dialog box), the winner is paid a specified bonus for dealer's extra hands. This rule is typically used in Japanese and Taiwanese rules.

To enable the bonus for dealer's extra hands:
  1. Choose Preferences on the File menu.
  2. From the Rule Presets list, choose a customized rule preset.
  3. Choose Extra Payments and Rounding under the Scoring section of the category tree.
  4. Check the Bonus for dealer's extra hands box.
  5. Enter the value for the bonus in the number box below the option. The amount of bonus can be specified as points from 1 to 2,000. The bonus is increased by the specified value for each extra hand played.
  6. To specify options for the rule, click the Options button.
Options for determining the bonus

Dealer's extra hand is played whenever the deal does not pass, i.e., in the following situations:

  1. The dealer wins and the rules specify that the deal does not pass after East's (dealer's) win.
  2. The deal ends in a draw and the rules specify that the deal does not pass after a draw.

By clicking the Options button, you can access the Dealer's Extra Hands dialog box and specify details for determining how the bonus for extra deals is determined:

Paying of the bonus points

If the winner goes out self-drawn, the bonus is paid by each loser. If the winner goes out on a discard and the rules use a pay-off scheme according to which only the discarder pays the winner, the bonus is paid by discarder alone (if discarder is not penalized in rules, the bonus is paid by each loser, as in the case the winner goes out self-drawn). E.g., if the rules specify that the discarder pays for all losers, the discarder pays the bonus for all losers; or if the rules specify that discarder pays just for himself (and other losers pay nothing) the specified bonus is paid alone by the discarder.

Traditionally the bonus points for dealer's extra hands are paid only if the dealer wins the hand. However, when this rule is used in modern Mah Jong the bonus is normally paid to any player winning an extra hand. To enable this option, check the Pay to any winner box in the Dealer's Extra Hands dialog box. In Taiwanese rules the bonus for dealer's extra hands is paid to other than the East winner only if a the winner goes out self-drawn or on East's discard, and in both cases the bonus is always paid alone by East and just for himself. To enable this option, check the Paid by East and only if non-East wins self-drawn or on East's discard box.

In Japanese rules the bonus is usually 100 points. E.g., if the specified sum is 100 points, the winner receives a total of 300 points from the losers on winning the 1st extra hand (or the equivalent total sum from the discarder, since the Japanese specify that the discarder pays for all losers). Winning the 2nd extra hand would give the winner a total of 600 points (200 points per loser), and so on, with an increment of hundred points per loser for each successive extra hand. 

In Taiwanese rules the bonus is usually 2 points. Accordingly, the East winner receives a total of 6 points from the losers (2 points from each) on winning the 1st extra hand (or just 2 points from the discarder, if he goes out on a discard), a total of 12 points (4 points per loser) on winning the second extra hand (or if he goes out on a discard, just 4 points from the discarder), etc. On the other hand, if East discards the winning  tile, or if non-East wins self-drawn, East alone pays the specified bonus to the winner (2 points on losing the 1st extra hand, 4 points on losing the 2nd extra hand, etc.). If non-East wins an extra hand on non-East's discard, bonus points are not paid.

The sum total of pending extra hand payments is shown on the status bar. Note that the value indicates the total of the actual bonus without multiplying it with the number of losers. Accordingly, in Japanese games the winner will always get three times the shown value, while in Taiwanese games the value is multiplied by three only if East is the winner and goes out self-drawn.

If multiple winners are allowed, each winner is paid as if he had won alone, e.g., if the specified bonus is 100 points, each winner gets 300 points for the first extra hand, 600 points for the second extra hand, and so on.

Note: The bonus for dealer's extra hands is paid, like the penalties, after all other point calculations and possible payment doubles (i.e., they are not doubled nor cut off to the limit).

Raising the minimum point requirement

The Raise minimum point requirement on the 5th extra deal option specifies that the value of minimum points is increased by one at the start of dealer's 5th extra hand (and restored, once the extra deal counter is reset). The option is available only when minimum points have been specified using the doubles, han or faan unit. This option is often used in the modern Japanese rules.

Related topics:
Regular paying methods
Payments after a draw
Dealer bonus
Bonus for the winner of the Goulash deal