How can I identify my IP address?

When a multiplayer game is played over the Internet, the joining players must know the host's IP address in order to be able to join the game. The host can find out his current IP address  (on most machines the address changes whenever a player connects to the Internet or at regular intervals, when using a cable modem) by running Windows IP Configuration utility:

  1. On Windows 95/98/Me
    1. On the Windows Start menu, click Run.
    2. Type winipcfg.exe in the Open box, then click OK. 
  2. On Windows NT
    1. On the Windows Start menu, point to Programs, and then click Command Prompt.
    2. Type ipconfig.exe at the command prompt and press ENTER.
  3. On Windows 2000/Windows XP
    1. On the Windows Start menu, point to Programs, point to Accessories and then click Command Prompt.
    2. Type ipconfig.exe at the command prompt and press ENTER.

Note: If you have several adapters bound to TCP/IP you may need to select first the correct adapter. E.g., in Winipcfg.exe the adapters are listed in a drop-down list (if you have both Dial-Up and LAN adapter bound to TCP/IP, you might see here e.g. PPP Adapter and 3Com 3C90X Ethernet Adapter – if you are using dial-up connection for connecting to the Internet, you would first choose "PPP Adapter" as your adapter).

Alternatively, you can identify your current IP address from within Four Winds by doing the following (note that due to limitations in DirectX protocol this method fails in certain situations):

  1. If you play with a small or medium game board, first make sure that Game Manager is visible by choosing Game Manager on the View menu.
  2. Activate the Statistics tab of the Game Manager.
  3. Click the lower list with the right mouse button and choose Display IP Addresses from the context menu.

Related links:
Overview of multiplayer games
Setting up the game
Specifying options for the multiplayer game
Joining a session in progress
How to configure a firewall