and managing custom rule presets
Guidelines for customizing rule presets
Please keep in mind the following when you customize the rules:
- Several of the rule options and scoring items depend on each other: in order to be able
to change the setting of one option you sometimes need to first enable another option.
E.g., to assign a scoring value to Flowers and Seasons in loser's hand, you need to check
the Flowers and Seasons box on the General page (under
the Rules section in the category tree of the Preferences dialog
box) and make sure that the equivalent winner's scoring item has already been assigned a scoring
- Certain rule options are mutually exclusive: e.g., you cannot use Dora tiles together with Jokers.
- Certain rule options automatically include other rule options. E.g., enabling Dora tiles
enables the dead hand rule according to which declaring of the fourth Kong (or
fifth, if all four Kongs have been declared by the same player) during the deal results in an
abortive draw (this is because the 5th tile of the
Dead Wall is the first Dora tile and cannot be
used as a supplement tile).
- Four Winds checks the logic of some but not all settings. To avoid conflicting rules and
confusion in the point calculation it is recommended that you use a predefined rule preset
as a template for your own rule preset and make only minor adjustments to the rule and
scoring options.
- Unusual rule combinations may result in computer players playing poorly.
Strongly customized
rules are most suitable for multiplayer games.
- For more information about customizing the scoring, see the help topic Logic of scoring system.
Related topics:
Customizing a rule preset
Creating a new preset
Modifying a user-defined preset
Renaming a user-defined preset
Deleting a user-defined preset