Four Winds Rule Collection – Chinese New Style

5. Scoring

5.1 Displaying the hands

The modern Chinese rules allow payments to the winner only: there are no payments between the losers. Accordingly, only the winner must display his hand after a deal is over.

The winner is responsible of arranging his hand in a way that makes it clear which sets it is composed of, melded sets placed above the sets in the hand. The winner should mark the winning tile by placing it at right angles to the others (or slightly apart from the rest of the hand).

If a concealed portion of the hand can be arranged in more than one way, a player is free to arrange it in a way that results in the best scores. E.g., if a player is calling with Bamboo 2-2-3-3-4 and any pair, and the winning tile is Bamboo 4 (either self-drawn or discard), a player is free to arrange his hand so that the winning tile is considered to complete a Pung of Bamboo 2, rather than a Chow 2-3-4 (both arrangements are possible but the previous would pay extra faans if the remaining two sets were triplets, as well).

5.2 Calculating the value of hands

In modern Chinese Mah Jong the only scoring unit is faan (a regulated multiplier, instead of a double, which is always applied linearly) – the point unit is abandoned. Accordingly the scoring is performed by first summing up the faans earned by different patterns found in the hand, and then using a specific settling table to determine the final point score of the hand.

5.2.1 Faans for the winner

The winner receives faans for the following basic sets:

Set Score 

Pung of Dragons
1 faan

Kong of Dragons
1 faan

Pung of player’s Own Wind
1 faan

Kong of player’s Own Wind
1 faan

Pung of the Wind of the Round
1 faan

Kong of the Wind of the Round
1 faan

If Flowers and Seasons are used, the winner receives bonus faans for the following Flowers and Seasons:

Pattern Score
Flower of own Wind 1 faan
Season of own Wind 1 faan
All Flowers 2 faan
All Seasons 2 faan
All Flowers and Seasons 12 faan
No Flowers or Seasons 1 faan

In addition, the winner receives faans for the following hands:

Pattern Score
Bamboo 2Bamboo 3Bamboo 4 Character 2Character 3Character 4 Dot 2Dot 3Dot 4
Same Chow from all suits (Three sisters, jap. san shoku do jun)
3 faan
Bamboo 2Bamboo 3Bamboo 4 Bamboo 2Bamboo 3Bamboo 4
Two identical Chows (Sister Chows, ch. ton ryan shun, jap. ippei ko)
2 faan
Bamboo 2Bamboo 3Bamboo 4 Bamboo 2Bamboo 3Bamboo 4 Dot 5Dot 6Dot 7 Dot 5Dot 6Dot 7
Two identical Chows twice (a.k.a. Big seven pairs, 2 Lions Hug)
9 faan
Bamboo 1Bamboo 2Bamboo 3 Bamboo 7Bamboo 8Bamboo 9
123789 of the same suit (Old and young)
1 faan
Bamboo 1Bamboo 2Bamboo 3 Bamboo 4Bamboo 5Bamboo 6 Bamboo 7Bamboo 8Bamboo 9
3 Chows of 1 suit, step 3  (Clear dragon, ch. ii chii ton kan, jap. ikkitsuu kan, itsuu)
3 faan
Bamboo 1Bamboo 1Bamboo 1 Bamboo 9Bamboo 9Bamboo 9
Triplets 1 and 9 of the same suit (Old and young)
1 faan
Green DragonGreen DragonGreen Dragon White DragonWhite DragonWhite Dragon Red DragonRed Dragon
Little Three Dragons (jap. sho san gen)
6 faan
Bamboo 2Bamboo 2Bamboo 2 Character 4Character 5Character 6 Bamboo 7Bamboo 8Bamboo 9 Red DragonRed DragonRed DragonRed Dragon

Exposed hand
(waiting with a single tile for the tile completing the pair)
Note: Implies One-chance hand and Out on a pair.
2 faan
Bamboo 2Bamboo 2 

Concealed hand
(discarded last tile) (Ch., Jap. men zen chin)
Note: All Kongs are allowed as concealed sets.
1 faan

Fully concealed hand
(Ch. men zen tsuu mo, Jap. men zen tsumo)
Note: No Kongs are allowed as concealed sets (instead, a concealed hand with Kongs + self-drawn winning tile pays 1 faan for Concealed hand and 1 for Self-drawn last tile). Implies Self-drawn last tile if scoring specified with the same unit. Always implies Concealed hand.
3 faan
Bamboo 1Bamboo 2Bamboo 3 Character 4Character 5Character 6 Dot 2Dot 3Dot 4 Dot 5Dot 6Dot 7 Character 9Character 9
Chow hand
(a regular hand with no Pungs or Kongs)
Note: The hand may contain no traditional scoring pairs (i.e., the pair must not be of player's own Wind or Wind of the Round).
1 faan
Bamboo 2Bamboo 2Bamboo 2 Character 5Character 5Character 5 Dot 2Dot 2Dot 2 Red DragonRed DragonRed Dragon Character 9Character 9
Pung hand
(a regular hand with no Chows) (Jap. toi toi ho)
3 faan
Bamboo 2Bamboo 3Bamboo 4 Bamboo 3Bamboo 4Bamboo 5 Character 2Character 2Character 2 Dot 7Dot 7Dot 7 Dot 3Dot 3
All Simples (Ch. tan yao chuu, Jap. tan yao)
1 faan
Bamboo 1Bamboo 2Bamboo 3 Dot 7Dot 8Dot 9 Green DragonGreen DragonGreen Dragon East WindEast WindEast Wind Character 9Character 9
Terminal or Honor in each set (Jap. chan tao, chan tai yao)
2 faan
Bamboo 1Bamboo 2Bamboo 3 Bamboo 9Bamboo 9Bamboo 9 Dot 7Dot 8Dot 9 Character 7Character 8Character 9 Dot 1Dot 1
in each set
(Jap. jun chan)
3 faan
Bamboo 1Bamboo 1Bamboo 1 Dot 9Dot 9Dot 9 Green DragonGreen DragonGreen Dragon East WindEast WindEast Wind Character 9Character 9
All Terminals and Honors (Ch., Jap. hon rao to)
Note: Does not imply scoring for Pung hand.
6 faan
Bamboo 1Bamboo 2Bamboo 3 Character 5Character 6Character 7 Green DragonGreen DragonGreen Dragon East WindEast WindEast Wind Dot 3Dot 3
All suits, Dragons and Winds (one set of each) (Five doors)
3 faan
Bamboo 1Bamboo 1Bamboo 1  Dot 1Dot 2Dot 3 Dot 5Dot 5Dot 5 Dot 7Dot 8Dot 9  Bamboo 2Bamboo 2
Two suits only (One suit less)
1 faan
Dot 1Dot 2Dot 3 Dot 5Dot 5Dot 5 Dot 7Dot 8Dot 9 Green DragonGreen DragonGreen Dragon East WindEast Wind
One suit and Honors (Mixed hand, Ch. hon ii so, Jap. hon itsu)
3 faan
Dot 1Dot 2Dot 3 Dot 2Dot 3Dot 4 Dot 5Dot 5Dot 5 Dot 7Dot 8Dot 9 Dot 1Dot 1
One suit only (Clear hand, Ch. chin ii so, Jap. chin itsu)
9 faan
Bamboo 1Bamboo 1Bamboo 1 Bamboo 1Bamboo 2Bamboo 3
Four same in two sets (Four-in-one small)
The hand contains the same tile in a Pung and a Chow.
1 faan
Four same in three sets (Four-in-one medium)
Bamboo 1Bamboo 1 Bamboo 1Bamboo 2Bamboo 3 Bamboo 1Bamboo 2Bamboo 3
The hand contains the same tile in two Chows and a pair.
1 faan
Four same in four sets (Four-in-one big)
Bamboo 1Bamboo 2Bamboo 3 Bamboo 2Bamboo 3Bamboo 4 Bamboo 2Bamboo 3Bamboo 4 Bamboo 3Bamboo 4Bamboo 5
The hand contains the same tile in four Chows.
1 faan

Finally, the winner can earn bonus faans for the following special ways of going out:

Pattern Score
Self-drawn last tile (ch. tsuu mo ho, jap. tsumo, tsumo ru) 1 faan
Out on a one-chance Chow (a.k.a. Out on a one-way Chow; ch. kan chan machi, pen chan machi, jap. kanchan, penchan)
e.g. 1-2 or 8-9 or n-?-n+1 (middle tile missing), as opposed to going out on a Chow that can be completed on both sides.
1 faan
Out on a pair (ch. tan chao machi, jap. danki) 1 faan
Out on 4th of its kind (3 exemplars of the tile appear as discards and melded tiles, and player goes out on the 4th), e.g. calling with B-22 B-45, when four of either B3 or B6 have already been played. 1 faan
Out on the last tile of the Wall (ch. hai tei rao yue, jap. haite)
Note: Does not imply scores for Self-drawn last tile.
1 faan
Out on the last discard (no tiles left in the Wall) (ch. ho tei rao yui, jap. hote) 1 faan
Out on a supplement tile (ch., jap. rin shan kai ho) 1 faan
Out by robbing a Kong (ch., jap. chan kan)
Note: Robbing a Kong is considered going out on a claimed tile (and the player declaring the Kong is considered a discarder). Accordingly, a Kong robber can get extra points for Out on the last discard.
1 faan

Note: The pattern selection presented here is just a suggestion. Several other patterns are available in Chinese New Style. For more information on typical patterns used in Asian modern Mah Jong, check the Four Winds rule presets Chinese Official and Wilmington Advanced 12-Tile Rules, and the equivalent scoring pages (Chow patterns, Pung patterns, Miscellaneous patterns, Hands, Winning patterns).

5.2.2 Limit hands

In addition, the winner can get directly the limit points or few extra faans for the following special hands (note that % of Limit values are exclusive so no other points are added):

Limit or Special Hand Description Score
Four Kongs (Fourfold Plenty, 18 Buddhas) Bamboo 3Bamboo 3Bamboo 3Bamboo 3 Character 3Character 3Character 3Character 3 Dot 5Dot 5Dot 5Dot 5 Green DragonGreen DragonGreen DragonGreen Dragon
Hand containing any four Kongs, concealed or melded.
1600% of Limit
Hidden Treasure (Buried Treasure) Bamboo 1Bamboo 1Bamboo 1 Character 3Character 3Character 3 Character 7Character 7Character 7 Dot 3Dot 3Dot 3 Dot 8Dot 8
Four concealed triplets and a pair.
Note: The hand can go out on a discard (when completing the pair), and it may contain any kinds of Kongs.
1600% of Limit
Three Great Scholars (Big Three Dragons) Red DragonRed DragonRed Dragon White DragonWhite DragonWhite Dragon Green DragonGreen DragonGreen Dragon Character 4Character 5Character 6 Dot 4Dot 4
Pung or Kong with all three Dragons, any Chow, Pung or Kong, and any pair. May all be melded.
Note: Implies scoring for all Dragons.
9 faan
Little Four Winds (Little Four Joys) Bamboo 1Bamboo 2Bamboo 3 East WindEast WindEast Wind South WindSouth WindSouth Wind West WindWest WindWest Wind Notrh WindNotrh Wind
Pung or Kong of three Winds, a pair of the fourth, and any other set completing the hand. May be all melded.
Note: Does not imply doubles for any special winds, and does not imply One suit with Honors.
12 faan
Big Four Winds (Big Four Joys, Four Big Blessings) East WindEast WindEast Wind South WindSouth WindSouth Wind West WindWest WindWest Wind Notrh WindNotrh WindNotrh Wind Dot 3Dot 3
Pung or Kong of each Wind, and any pair. May all be melded.
1600% of Limit
All Honors (All Symbols) Red DragonRed DragonRed Dragon White DragonWhite DragonWhite Dragon East WindEast WindEast Wind West WindWest WindWest Wind Notrh WindNotrh Wind
Four Pungs or Kongs and a pair of Dragons and Winds. May all be melded.
1600 % of Limit
All Terminals (Heads and Tails) Character 1Character 1Character 1 Character 9Character 9Character 9 Bamboo 1Bamboo 1Bamboo 1 Dot 1Dot 1Dot 1 Dot 9Dot 9
Four Pungs or Kongs and a pair of 1’s or 9’s. May all be melded.
1600% of Limit
Nine Gates (Nine United Sons, Nine Sacred Lamps of Lotus) Bamboo 1Bamboo 1Bamboo 1 Bamboo 2Bamboo 3Bamboo 4Bamboo 5Bamboo 6Bamboo 7Bamboo 8Bamboo 9Bamboo 9Bamboo 9 Bamboo 3
Three 1’s, a sequence of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and three 9’s, all of the same suit, and any other tile of the same suit completing the hand. The hand must be concealed (the winning tile can be a discard). No Kongs are allowed in this hand.
Note: This hand is traditionally considered the most perfect hand possible. This is a regular hand which can go out on any of the nine suit tiles.
1600% of Limit
Thirteen Orphans (Thirteen Unique Wonders, Thirteen Grades of Imperial Treasure) Bamboo 1Bamboo 9 Character 1Character 9 Dot 1Dot 9 White DragonGreen DragonRed DragonRed Dragon East WindSouth WindWest Wind Notrh Wind  
One of each Dragon and Wind, 1 and 9 of each suit and 14th tile forming a pair with any of these. The hand must be concealed (the winning tile can be a discard).
1600% of Limit
Heavenly Hand East declares ‘Out’ with the dealt hand (after supplement tiles, if any) 1600% of Limit
Earthly Hand Non-dealer goes out on dealer’s first discard. 1600% of Limit
Kong on Kong Player goes out on the supplement tile received after the second declaration of Kong on the same turn. 6 faan

Note: It is more common to specify scoring for limit hands in terms of laaks (e.g., 5 laaks means that the Limit is doubled four times, which is the same as 1600% of the Limit). Also, many players specify scoring for all patterns, including the so called "limit hands" in faans, in which case scores for other patterns are not ignored. The result is often the same, disregarding the used method: a hand scores the maximum points specified by the settling table (using the % of Limit or laak unit is just simpler as there is no need to count scores for other patterns or consult the settling table).

5.3 Calculating the total score

The modern Chinese Mah Jong uses a faan-laak scoring system, according to which the final score of the hand is determined by first adding up the faans for the composing parts of the hand and then checking the final point score by using a look-up table. E.g., let us assume that the winner is North on the South round and that he goes out on the following hand (claiming the East wind from East):

Character 5Character 5Character 5 Red DragonRed DragonRed DragonRed Dragon

Bamboo 2Bamboo 2Bamboo 2  Dot 1Dot 1Dot 1 East      East

The winner gets the following faans for his hand:

1 faan Kong of Dragons
3 faan Pung hand
3 faan All suits, Dragons and Wind
1 faan Out on pair

84 pts Final score (looked from the settling table, see below)

Note: If Flowers and Seasons are used and the rules apply a minimum point requirement on a winning hand, it is common that the faans for these bonus tiles are not included in the minimum point count but are added to the final score only if the hand meets the minimum point requirement without the extra faans earned by the bonus tiles.

Figure 3. Settling table used in Chinese New Style Mah Jong with limit points set to 64 points. The first laak (the Limit) is paid for hands worth 6 faans, the second laak (the Limit doubled once) for hands worth 9  faans, the third laak (the Limit doubled twice) for hands worth 12 faans, the fourth laak (the Limit doubled three times) for hands worth 15  faans and the fifth laak (the Limit doubled four times) for hands worth 20 faans or more. Notice that individual final scores are specified at increments of 10 points for intermediate faans. The table is called "6-9-12 System". Another popular variation in the New Style is the "5-8-11 System".
Faan Score Faan Score Faan Score
0 1 7 74 14 276
1 2 8 84 15 512
2 4 9 128 16 522
3 8 10 138 17 532
4 16 11 148 18 542
5 32 12 256 19 552
6 64 13 266 20– 1024
5.4 Limit

In games where the final score is specified using a settling table, the limit is used as a unit to specify the final scores. In the rules described here the Limit is 64 points, but the actual highest final score is specified by a settling table according to which a hand worth 20 faans or more pays 1,024 points (i.e., 5 laaks, meaning the Limit doubled four times, or 1600% of the Limit).

It is important to understand that in this scoring system the Limit is not used as a point cutter but simply as a scoring unit.

5.5 Scoring accessories

A sheet of paper and a pencil is sufficient for keeping the scores, but normally Mah Jong sets come with counters or chips, valued at 500 points (marked either with 6 red and 6 black dots or more commonly, with 5 red dots), 100 points (marked either with 2 red dots, or more commonly with 1 red dot), 10 points (marked either with 8 black dots or more commonly, with 10 black dots) and 2 points (marked either with 1 red and 3 black dots or more commonly, with 2 black dots). If scoring accessories are used, players naturally exchange them at the time of payments.

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