The Rules category lets you change the rules of the game: e.g., the number of rounds, the use of extra tiles, claiming rules, etc. The options on other than the introductory page (which lets you customize the rule descriptions displayed on the upper part of the Rules tab) are saved in the rule presets and can be edited only when a user-defined or customized rule preset is activated and there is no game in progress. The category consists of an introductory page and four option pages:
Using five sets
Number of rounds
Round wind sequence
Dead Wall
Specifying how discards are placed on board
Using extended discard information
Flowers and Seasons
Dora tiles
Omit Bamboo tiles
Passing the deal after
East's win
Minimum points
Maximum number of Chows
Prohibition of mixed suits
Require special hand
Passing deal after a draw
Paying points after a draw
Play Goulash after a draw
Dead hand rules
Claiming of Chows
Claiming of pairs
Sacred discard
Missed discard
Competitive claims
Related topics:
Creating and managing custom rule presets
Preferences Overview
Preferences User Interface
Preferences Players
Preferences Scoring