
Limit and Special hands – Classical

The following classical limit hands are acknowledged by most versions of Mah Jong (excluding Fully concealed Suit Hand, which was used in the Classical Chinese Mah Jong, but is seldom acknowledged in the modern Mah Jong):
Limit or Special Hand Description Options
All Green (The Imperial Jade, Ch. lu yi se, Jap. ryu-i-sou)

If used as a pattern, does not imply One suit with honors, One suit only nor All Simples. Also, if the 7-pairs version of this hand is enabled, and  White Dragons are allowed, and no identical pairs are allowed (as specified in the Pairs category), the program checks the hand for identical pairs.
Bamboo 2Bamboo 3Bamboo 4 Bamboo 2Bamboo 3Bamboo 4 Bamboo 6Bamboo 6 Bamboo 8Bamboo 8Bamboo 8 Green DragonGreen DragonGreen Dragon
Going out with sets composed only of Green Dragons, Bamboo 2’s, 3’s, 4’s, 6’s and 8’s. May all be melded.
Allow White Dragons, as well (Y/N) CN Yes
White Dragon White dragon is sometimes carved in green, and accordingly accepted in this hand.
Allow 7 pairs (Y/N) JM Y
One Suit and Honors implied (Y/N)
Note: If checked, points for One suit with Honors are not added, but points for One suit only are added (if not checked, neither is assumed). The option is meaningful only if the hand is not counted directly.
Four Kongs (Fourfold Plenty, 18 Buddhas, Ch. shu pei feng, si gang, Jap. su-kan-tsu)
Bamboo 3Bamboo 3Bamboo 3Bamboo 3 Character 3Character 3Character 3Character 3 Dot 5Dot 5Dot 5Dot 5 Green DragonGreen DragonGreen DragonGreen Dragon
Hand containing any four Kongs, concealed or melded.
Allow going out immediately (Y/N) WA Yes
Note: If checked, the deal ends automatically on the declaration of the 4th Kong (without giving the supplement tile, so the player is left with a single tile in the hand). The option is available only if direct scoring is applied for this pattern.
Hidden Treasure (Buried Treasure; Ch. si an ke, Jap. su-an-kou)

Note: If you want to enable both Hidden Treasure pure (going out on a pair) and Hidden Treasure impure (going out on a self-drawn triplet allowed), specify the former with this limit hand by checking the Require going out on a pair option, and latter by using the Four concealed triplets pattern.
Bamboo 1Bamboo 1Bamboo 1 Character 3Character 3Character 3 Character 7Character 7Character 7 Dot 3Dot 3Dot 3 Dot 8Dot 8
Four concealed triplets and a pair.
Require fully concealed (Y/N) CC Yes
Acceptance of Kongs:
No Kongs (default) / Concealed Kongs (JC, JM) / Concealed and claimed Kongs (CC)/ All Kongs; 
Require going out on a pair
No mixed suits (Y/N): BR Yes
Three Great Scholars
(a.k.a. Big Three Dragons, but in Four Winds this is a separate pattern; Ch. dai san yuan, Jap. dai-san-gen)

Note: When this hand is used as a cumulative pattern, Four Winds ignores scoring of all Dragon patterns other than those in the Basic points category. On the other hand, if the suit tiles are terminals and the hand receives points for All Terminals and Honors, or if Chows are not allowed in the hand, no extra points are given for All of three "numbers".
Red DragonRed DragonRed Dragon White DragonWhite DragonWhite Dragon Green DragonGreen DragonGreen Dragon Character 5Character 6Character 7 Dot 4Dot 4
Pung or Kong with all three Dragons, any Chow, Pung or Kong, and any pair. May all be melded.
Don't allow Chows (Y/N) CC Yes.
Little Four Winds (Little Four Joys, Ch. xiao si xi, Jap. sho-su-shi)

Note: When this hand is used as a cumulative pattern, Four Winds does not assume anything for the value of Honors in the hand, unless the Value Winds implied option is checked (i.e., all bonus points for special Winds will be added; however, points for Pung of Winds or Kong of Winds (in the Basic sets category) are never added). On the other hand, if the fourth set is of terminals and the hand receives points for All Terminals and Honors, no extra points are given for All of two "numbers".
Bamboo 1Bamboo 2Bamboo 3 East WindEast WindEast Wind South WindSouth WindSouth Wind West WindWest WindWest Wind Notrh WindNotrh Wind
Pung or Kong of three Winds, a pair of the fourth, and any other set completing the hand. May be all melded.
Value Winds implied (Y/N)
Note: If checked, points for Pungs/Kongs of player's Own Wind, Wind of the Round, Dominant wind or Double Winds (listed in the Basic sets category) are not added. The option is meaningful only if the hand is not counted directly.
One Suit and Honors implied
(Y/N) WA Yes
Note: If checked, points for One suit with Honors are not added. The option is meaningful only if the hand is not counted directly.
Big Four Winds (Big Four Joys, Four Big Blessings, Ch. dai si xi, Jap. dai-su-shi)

Note: When this hand is used as a cumulative pattern, Four Winds ignores scoring of all Wind patterns other than those in the Basic points category. No extra points are given for Pung Hand, and if the fourth set is of terminals and the hand receives points for All Terminals and Honors, no extra points are given for All of two "numbers".
East WindEast WindEast Wind South WindSouth WindSouth Wind West WindWest WindWest Wind Notrh WindNotrh WindNotrh Wind Dot 3Dot 3
Pung or Kong of each Wind, and any pair. May all be melded.
Accept 'Little Four Winds' with value triplets (Y/N)
Note: If checked, a hand with three Wind triplets and a pair of the fourth Wind is accepted as Big Four Winds, if the hand contains triplets of all winds that give extra bonus (e.g., the hand must contain a triplet of player's own Wind, if the rules specify special scoring for this pattern).
One Suit and Honors implied
(Y/N) WA Yes
Note: If checked, points for One suit with Honors are not added. The option is meaningful only if the hand is not counted directly. If checked, points for All of Two "numbers" are not added, either.
All Honors (All Symbols, Ch. zi yi se, Jap. tsui-i-sou)
Red DragonRed DragonRed Dragon White DragonWhite DragonWhite Dragon East WindEast WindEast Wind West WindWest WindWest Wind Notrh WindNotrh Wind
Four Pungs or Kongs and a pair of Dragons and Winds. May all be melded.
Basic Winds implied (Y/N) CO Yes
Note: If checked, points for Pung of Winds and Kong of Winds in the Basic sets category are not added (if not checked, all component points are added). The option is meaningful only if the hand is not counted directly.
All Terminals (Heads and Tails, Ch. qing yao jiu, Jap. chin-rao-tu)

Note: When this hand is used as a cumulative pattern, Four Winds ignores scoring of all Terminal patterns other than those in the Basic points category.
Character 1Character 1Character 1 Character 9Character 9Character 9 Bamboo 1Bamboo 1Bamboo 1 Dot 1Dot 1Dot 1 Dot 9Dot 9
Four Pungs or Kongs and a pair of 1’s or 9’s. May all be melded.
Nine Gates (Nine United Sons, Nine Sacred Lamps of Lotus, Ch. ji lian bao ding; Jap. cyu-ren-pao-ton)

This hand is traditionally considered the most perfect hand possible. This is a regular hand which can go out on any of the nine suit tiles. Don't confuse this with American Gate hands, which are irregular hands and have nothing to do with the idea of going out on a multiple chance hand.
Bamboo 1Bamboo 1Bamboo 1 Bamboo 2Bamboo 3Bamboo 4Bamboo 5Bamboo 6Bamboo 7Bamboo 8Bamboo 9Bamboo 9Bamboo 9 Bamboo 3
Three 1’s, a sequence of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and three 9’s, all of the same suit, and any other tile of the same suit completing the hand. The hand must be concealed (the winning tile can be a discard). No Kongs are allowed in this hand.
Nine Gates (Impure) Bamboo 1Bamboo 1Bamboo 1 Bamboo 2Bamboo 3Bamboo 4Bamboo 4Bamboo 6Bamboo 7Bamboo 8Bamboo 9Bamboo 9Bamboo 9 Bamboo 5
A hand otherwise equal to Nine Gates, but without a possibility of completing the hand with all nine tiles of the suit. (One of the tiles required by Nine Gates is missing from the hand before getting the 14th tile.)
Thirteen Orphans (Thirteen Unique Wonders, Thirteen Grades of Imperial Treasure; Ch. shi san yao, Jap. ko-ku-shi-mu-sou)

Note: In a 16-tile version any set of three tiles is required in addition the mentioned 14 tiles (the additional set can be a melded set only if the player goes out on it). Kongs are not allowed. Note that no points are paid for the additional set as this is an irregular hand.
Bamboo 1Bamboo 9 Character 1Character 9 Dot 1Dot 9 White DragonGreen DragonRed DragonRed Dragon East WindSouth WindWest Wind Notrh Wind  
One of each Dragon and Wind, 1 and 9 of each suit and 14th tile forming a pair with any of these. The hand must be concealed (the winning tile can be a discard).
Thirteen Orphans (pure) Bamboo 1Bamboo 9 Character 1Character 9 Dot 1Dot 9 White DragonGreen DragonRed Dragon East WindSouth WindWest WindNotrh Wind Red Dragon
One of each Dragon and Wind, 1 and 9 of each suit, all in hand before the 14th tile composing a pair with any of these.
Fully Concealed Suit Hand
Bamboo 1Bamboo 1Bamboo 1 Bamboo 2Bamboo 2Bamboo 2 Bamboo 5Bamboo 6Bamboo 7 Bamboo 9Bamboo 9Bamboo 9 Bamboo 3Bamboo 3
All tiles of one suit, fully concealed, including the winning tile.
Note: Kongs are interpreted as concealed triplets as specified on the General page of the Rules section. 

Related topics:
Basic scheme of calculation
Basic tile points
Scores for basic sets
Scores for Flowers and Seasons
Scores for patterns based on Chows
Scores for patterns based on Pungs and Kongs
Scores for patterns based on the whole hand
Scores for miscellaneous patterns
Scores for winning
Limit and Special hands – Serpents
Limit and Special hands – Pairs
Limit and Special hands – Special ways of going out
Limit and Special hands – American hands
Limit and Special hands – Miscellaneous

Printing scoring items
Renaming scoring items
Resetting the names of scoring items
Inclusion and scoring of hands and patterns