
Limit and Special hands – American hands

These hands are typically acknowledged in American Mah Jong, where the focus is in collecting special hands. Note that many hands are based on the way the American rules associate suits with Dragons: Bamboos are associated with Green Dragons, Characters with Red Dragons, and Dots with White Dragons. In addition, the Bamboo suit is divided in two based on use of red in the tiles: the red tiles are 1, 5, 7 and 9 and green tiles 2, 3, 4, 6 and 8.
Limit or Special Hand Description Options
Jade Hand
7 pairs version of this hand requires the presence of Green Dragons (7 pairs version of All Green does not).
Bamboo 2Bamboo 3Bamboo 4 Bamboo 4Bamboo 4Bamboo 4 Bamboo 6Bamboo 6Bamboo 6 Bamboo 8Bamboo 8Bamboo 8 Green DragonGreen Dragon
Four Chows/Pungs/Kongs of Bamboo 2, 3, 4, 6 or 8 and a pair of Green Dragons. The hand must be concealed (the winning tile can be a discard), unless Allow melded option is checked.
Allow 7 pairs (Y/N) AM Yes
Allow melded (Y/N) AU, AM Yes
Double if concealed (Y/N)
Pearl Hand
7 pairs version of this hand requires the presence of White Dragons.
Dot 2Dot 3Dot 4 Dot 4Dot 4Dot 4 Dot 6Dot 6Dot 6 Dot 8Dot 8Dot 8 White DragonWhite Dragon
Four Chows/Pungs/Kongs of Dot 2, 3, 4, 6 or 8 and a pair of White Dragons. The hand must be concealed (the winning tile can be a discard), unless Allow melded option is checked.
Allow 7 pairs (Y/N) AM Yes
Allow melded (Y/NAM Yes
Double if concealed (Y/N)
Ruby Hand
7 pairs version of this hand requires the presence of Red Dragons.
Bamboo 1Bamboo 1Bamboo 1 Bamboo 5Bamboo 5Bamboo 5 Bamboo 7Bamboo 7Bamboo 7 Bamboo 9Bamboo 9Bamboo 9 Red DragonRed Dragon
Four Pungs/Kongs of Bamboo 1, 5, 7 and 9 and a pair of Red Dragons. The hand must be concealed (the winning tile can be a discard), unless Allow melded option is checked.
Allow 7 pairs (Y/N) AM Yes
Allow melded (Y/N) AM Yes
Double if concealed (Y/N)
Imperial Jade
This hand ignores the exception rule, which allows Limit hands to contain more Chows than specified by the maximum number of Chows limitation. E.g., if the maximum number of Chows is 1, only one Chow is allowed, even if the exception rule allows ignoring this limitation for other Limit hands.
Bamboo 2Bamboo 3Bamboo 4 Bamboo 4Bamboo 4Bamboo 4 Bamboo 6Bamboo 6Bamboo 6 Bamboo 8Bamboo 8 Green DragonGreen DragonGreen Dragon
Three Pungs/Kongs/Chows (Chow restrictions apply) and a pair of Bamboo 2, 3, 4, 6 or 8, and a Pung/Kong of Green Dragons. The hand must be concealed (the winning tile can be a discard), unless Allow melded option is checked.
No Chows (Y/N
The option can be used to make the hand symmetrical with  Imperial Ruby
Allow melded (Y/N) AU, AM, BR Yes
Double if concealed (Y/N)
Imperial Pearl
(a.k.a. Pearl Dragon, but in Four Winds this is a different hand)
Note: This hand ignores the exception rule, which allows Limit hands to contain more Chows than specified by the maximum number of Chows limitation. E.g., if the maximum number of Chows is 1, only one Chow is allowed, even if the exception rule allows ignoring this limitation for other Limit hands.
Dot 2Dot 3Dot 4 Dot 4Dot 4Dot 4 Dot 6Dot 6Dot 6 Dot 8Dot 8 White DragonWhite DragonWhite Dragon
Three Pungs/Kongs/Chows (Chow restrictions apply) and a pair of Dot 2, 3, 4, 6 or 8, and a Pung/Kong of White Dragons. The hand must be concealed (the winning tile can be a discard), unless Allow melded option is checked.
No Chows (Y/N
The option can be used to make the hand symmetrical with  Imperial Ruby
Allow melded (Y/N) AM Yes
Double if concealed (Y/N)
Imperial Ruby Bamboo 1Bamboo 1Bamboo 1 Bamboo 5Bamboo 5Bamboo 5 Bamboo 7Bamboo 7Bamboo 7 Bamboo 9Bamboo 9 Red DragonRed DragonRed Dragon
Three Pungs/Kongs and a pair of Bamboo 1, 5, 7 and 9, and a Pung/Kong of Red Dragons. The hand must be concealed (the winning tile can be a discard), unless Allow melded option is checked.
Allow melded (Y/N) AU, AM Yes
Double if concealed (Y/N)
Ruby Jade (a.k.a. Carnival) 
Note: 7 pairs version of this hand requires the presence of both Red and Green Dragons.
Bamboo 4Bamboo 4Bamboo 4 Bamboo 7Bamboo 7Bamboo 7 Bamboo 8Bamboo 8 Green DragonGreen DragonGreen Dragon Red DragonRed DragonRed Dragon
Pungs/Kongs of Green and Red Dragons, a Pung/Kong of green (2, 3, 4, 6, 8) and red (1, 5, 7, 9) bamboos and any bamboo pair. The hand must be concealed (the winning tile can be a discard), unless Allow melded option is checked.
Allow 7 pairs (Y/N) AM Yes
Allow melded (Y/N) AU, AM Yes
Double if concealed (Y/N)
All Red (a.k.a. Ruby Crack Hand; note that this is symmetrical with All Green, but composed in Character suit)
Note: This hand does not require presence of Red Dragons.
Character 3Character 3Character 4 Character 4Character 4Character 4 Character 6Character 6Character 6 Character 8Character 8 Red DragonRed DragonRed Dragon
Any four sets and a pair of Character 2, 3, 4, 6 or 8 and Red Dragons (red tiles equaling the all green tiles). The hand must be concealed (the winning tile can be a discard), unless Allow melded option is checked.
Allow 7 pairs (Y/N) AM Yes
Allow melded (Y/N)
Double if concealed (Y/N)
Lily of Valley Bamboo 2Bamboo 2Bamboo 2 Bamboo 8Bamboo 8Bamboo 8 White DragonWhite DragonWhite Dragon Green DragonGreen DragonGreen Dragon Bamboo 6Bamboo 6  
Pung or Kong of White and Green Dragons, two Pungs or Kongs and a pair of green bamboos (2, 3, 4, 6, 8). The hand must be concealed (the winning tile can be a discard), unless Allow melded option is checked.
Allow melded (Y/N) AU Yes
Double if concealed (Y/N)
Red Lily Bamboo 1Bamboo 1Bamboo 1 Bamboo 5Bamboo 5Bamboo 5 Red DragonRed DragonRed Dragon White DragonWhite DragonWhite Dragon Bamboo 9Bamboo 9
Pung or Kong of White and Red Dragons, two Pungs or Kongs and a pair of red bamboos (1, 5, 7, 9). The hand must be concealed (the winning tile can be a discard), unless Allow melded option is checked.
Allow melded (Y/N) AU Yes
Double if concealed (Y/N)
Chop Suey Bamboo 1Bamboo 2Bamboo 3 Character 1Character 3Character 3 Dot 1Dot 2Dot 3 Notrh WindEast WindWest WindSouth WindSouth Wind
1, 2, 3 in each suit, one of each Wind (NEWS), plus any other Wind. The hand must be concealed (the winning tile can be a discard), unless Allow melded option is checked.
Allow melded (Y/N)
Double if concealed (Y/N)
Sukiyaki Bamboo 4Bamboo 5Bamboo 6 Character 4Character 6Character 6 Dot 4Dot 5Dot 6 Notrh WindEast WindWest WindSouth WindSouth Wind
4, 5, 6 in each suit, one of each Wind (NEWS), plus any other Wind. The hand must be concealed (the winning tile can be a discard), unless Allow melded option is checked.
Allow melded (Y/N)
Double if concealed (Y/N)
Chow Mein Bamboo 7Bamboo 8Bamboo 9 Character 7Character 8Character 9 Dot 7Dot 8Dot 9 Notrh WindEast WindWest WindSouth WindSouth Wind
7, 8, 9 in each suit, one of each Wind (NEWS), plus any other Wind. The hand must be concealed (the winning tile can be a discard), unless Allow melded option is checked.
Allow melded (Y/N)
Double if concealed (Y/N)
Lil Bamboo 1Bamboo 2Bamboo 3 Character 4Character 6Character 6 Dot 7Dot 8Dot 9 Notrh WindEast WindWest WindSouth WindSouth Wind
1, 2, 3 of first suit, 4, 5, 6 of second, 7, 8, 9 of third, one of each Wind (NEWS), plus any other Wind. The hand must be concealed (the winning tile can be a discard), unless Allow melded option is checked.
Allow melded (Y/N)
Double if concealed (Y/N)
Suit Pairs and Honor Orphans
in American rules this hand is also known as Dragon's Breath (suit pairs with Dragon orphans) or Windfall (suit pairs with Wind orphans). Note that in Four Winds Dragon's Breath is another hand (in the Miscellaneous category).
Bamboo 1Bamboo 1 Bamboo 3Bamboo 3 Bamboo 4Bamboo 4 Bamboo 6Bamboo 6 Bamboo 9Bamboo 9 Green DragonRed DragonWhite DragonWhite Dragon
Five pairs of one suit and either one of each of the three Dragons plus any fourth Dragon, or one of each of the four Winds.
Down You Go Bamboo 2Bamboo 2Bamboo 2Bamboo 2 Bamboo 4Bamboo 4Bamboo 4  Bamboo 6Bamboo 6 Bamboo 8 Notrh WindEast WindWest WindSouth Wind
Four 2's, three 4's, two 6's, one 8, all in same suit, and one of each Wind (NEWS). The hand must be concealed (the winning tile can be a discard), unless Allow melded option is checked. Triplets (three and four similar) can be claimed only if a melded hand is allowed. 
Allow melded (Y/N)
Double if concealed (Y/N)
Up You Go Bamboo 2 Bamboo 4Bamboo 4 Bamboo 6Bamboo 6Bamboo 6 Bamboo 8Bamboo 8Bamboo 8Bamboo 8 Notrh WindEast WindWest WindSouth Wind
One 2, two 4's, three 6's, four 8's, all in same suit, and one of each Wind (NEWS). The hand must be concealed (the winning tile can be a discard), unless Allow melded option is checked. Triplets (three and four similar) can be claimed only if a melded hand is allowed.
Allow melded (Y/N)
Double if concealed (Y/N)
Numbers Racket Bamboo 2Bamboo 2Bamboo 2 Character 2Character 2Character 2 Dot 2Dot 2Dot 2 Green DragonGreen DragonGreen Dragon Red DragonRed Dragon
Three Pungs/Kongs of three suits and same numbers and Pung/Kong and a pair from Dragons (or Pung/Kong and a pair of Winds). The hand must be concealed (the winning tile can be a discard), unless Allow melded option is checked.
Require mixed honors (Y/N)
Allow melded
Double if concealed (Y/N)
Double Numbers Bamboo 2Bamboo 2Bamboo 2 Character 2Character 2Character 2 Bamboo 5Bamboo 5Bamboo 5 Character 5Character 5Character 5 Red DragonRed Dragon
Four Pungs/Kongs of two suits and two numbers and a pair of Dragons or Winds. The hand must be concealed (the winning tile can be a discard), unless Allow melded option is checked.
Allow melded (Y/N)
Double if concealed (Y/N)
Simple Gates
(a.k.a. Chinese Hand)
Note: When prohibition of mixed suits is used (as in American and Australian rules), all tiles of this hand need to be from one suit  (unless an exception is specified in the Exceptions dialog box). In its one-suit version this hand is known in several Western rules as Nine United Sons, Heavenly Gates, etc. Do not confuse this hand with the classical Nine Gates hand (which is also called Nine United Sons) from which the Western versions are obviously derived by bad interpretation. Nine Gates, unlike the Western gate hands, is a regular hand, for which the arbitrary restriction for pairing one of the simples is never applied.
Bamboo 1Bamboo 1Bamboo 1 Bamboo 9Bamboo 9Bamboo 9 Character 2Character 3Character 4Character 5Character 6Character 7Character 8 Character 7
Pung of 1's, another Pung of 9's, tiles from 2 to 8 of one suit, plus any tile forming a pair with one of the the simples (the tiles can be from 1 to 3 suits). The hand must be concealed (the winning tile can be a discard), unless Allow melded option is checked.
Allow melded (Y/N) F, AM Yes
Double if concealed (Y/N) AM Yes
Confused Gates Bamboo 1Bamboo 1Bamboo 1  Dot 2Dot 3Dot 4Dot 5Dot 6Dot 7Dot 8 Dot 3 Character 9Character 9Character 9
Pung of 1's of one suit, Pung of 9's of another suit and tiles from 2 to 8 from the third suit, plus any tile forming a pair with one of the simples. The hand must be concealed (the winning tile can be a discard), unless Allow melded option is checked.
Allow melded (Y/N)
Double if concealed (Y/N)
True Gates Bamboo 1Bamboo 1Bamboo 1 Bamboo 2Bamboo 2Bamboo 4Bamboo 4Bamboo 6Bamboo 6Bamboo 8Bamboo 8 Bamboo 9Bamboo 9Bamboo 9  
Pung of 1's and 9's and a pair of 2's, 4's, 6's and 8's, all tiles must be of the same suit. The hand must be concealed (the winning tile can be a discard), unless Allow melded option is checked.
Allow melded (Y/N
Double if concealed (Y/N)
Golden Gate Bamboo 1Bamboo 1Bamboo 1 Bamboo 2Bamboo 2Bamboo 4Bamboo 4Bamboo 6Bamboo 6Bamboo 8Bamboo 8 Green DragonGreen DragonGreen Dragon 
Pung of 1's or 9's and a pair of 2's, 4's, 6's and 8's, all tiles must be of the same suit. In addition, a Pung of Dragons corresponding the suit (Bamboos = Green, Characters = Red, Dots = White). The hand must be concealed (the winning tile can be a discard), unless Allow melded option is checked.
Allow melded (Y/N)
Double if concealed (Y/N)
Dragon Gates Character 1Character 1Character 1 Character 2Character 3Character 4Character 5Character 6Character 7Character 8 Character 7 Red DragonRed DragonRed Dragon 
Pung of 1's or 9's, tiles from 2 to 8 from the suit of the Pung, any tile forming a pair with one of the simples, and Pung of Dragons corresponding the suit (Bamboos = Green, Characters = Red, Dots = White). The hand must be concealed (the winning tile can be a discard), unless Allow melded option is checked.
Allow melded (Y/N)
Double if concealed (Y/N)
Terminal Gates
(a.k.a. Terminals and Simples)
Bamboo 1Character 1Dot 1  Dot 2Dot 3Dot 4Dot 5Dot 6Dot 7Dot 8 Dot 3 Bamboo 9Character 9Dot 9 
1 and 9 of each of the three suits, a series of tiles from 2 to 8 of any one suit, and any tile forming a pair with one of the simples. The hand must be concealed (the winning tile can be a discard), unless Allow melded option is checked.
Allow melded (Y/N) F Yes
Double if concealed (Y/N)
Gone with the Wind Notrh WindNotrh WindNotrh Wind East WindEast WindEast Wind West WindWest WindWest Wind South WindSouth WindSouth Wind Green DragonGreen Dragon
Pungs/Kongs of all four Winds and any pair of Dragons. The hand must be concealed (the winning tile can be a discard), unless Allow melded option is checked. 
Allow melded (Y/N) AM Yes
Double if concealed (Y/N)
Christmas Dot 2Dot 2Dot 2 Dot 5Dot 5Dot 5 Green DragonGreen DragonGreen Dragon Red DragonRed DragonRed Dragon White DragonWhite Dragon
Pungs/Kongs 2 and 5 of the same suit, Pungs/Kongs of Red and Green Dragons and a pair of White Dragons. The hand must be concealed (the winning tile can be a discard), unless Allow melded option is checked. 
Allow melded (Y/N) AM Yes
Double if concealed (Y/N)
Civil War Bamboo 1Bamboo 8Bamboo 6Bamboo 1 Dot 1Dot 8Dot 6Dot 5 South WindSouth WindSouth Wind Notrh WindNotrh WindNotrh Wind
Tiles 1, 8, 6, 1 of one suit, 1, 8, 6, 5 of another suit and Pungs of South and North Winds. The hand must be concealed (the winning tile can be a discard), unless Allow melded option is checked.  Kongs are allowed only in a melded hand.
Allow melded (Y/N)
Double if concealed (Y/N)

Related topics:
Basic scheme of calculation
Basic tile points
Scores for basic sets
Scores for Flowers and Seasons
Scores for patterns based on Chows
Scores for patterns based on Pungs and Kongs
Scores for patterns based on the whole hand
Scores for miscellaneous patterns
Scores for winning
Limit and Special hands – Classical
Limit and Special hands – Serpents
Limit and Special hands – Pairs
Limit and Special hands – Special ways of going out
Limit and Special hands – Miscellaneous

Printing scoring items
Renaming scoring items
Resetting the names of scoring items
Inclusion and scoring of hands and patterns