Downloads Updates
Below are listed the most recent updates to Four Winds Mah Jong version
2. If you look for updates to version 1.x please check the
Version 1.x files section, instead.
- Four Winds Mah Jong version 2.22 A patch that updates an
already installed 2.x version
File Size: n/a, Date: n/a Please download the complete version
(there are too many file changes for a patch)
NOTE: The packages containing the
latest version of the program are available to registered
users of version 2.x only. If you have registered version 2.x but do not have the required
download password, or if your password
has expired, please contact
support to have it sent by e-mail. If you have not registered,
you can download a test version (2.01) from the section
C of the Program Files download page.
IMPORTANT: Please make sure that
your ISP or spam mail filter does not block e-mail from lagarto.fi since
support e-mail normally proceeds from this domain name (and not
Note to Windows Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 users:
The latest version of Four Winds can display context help even if
WinHlp32.exe is not installed, but since the WinHelp module supports
rich formatting, it is recommended that Windows Vista /
Wνndows 7 / Windows 8 users download
WinHlp32.exe for Windows Vista or
WinHlp32.exe for Windows 7
WinHlp32.exe for Windows 8 from Microsoft's site (search the
download address with Internet search engine by using "WinHlp32.exe for
Windows Vista" or "WinHlp32.exe for Windows
7" or "WinHlp32.exe for Windows
8" as a keyword).
Version history
- February-10-2022 Version 2.22
- Fixed bugs:
- Fixed errors in supporting customized mouse configurations for discarding, claiming and acceleration (mostly occurring when using square boards).
- January-25-2022 Version 2.21
- Fixed bugs:
- Fixed problem with recognizing (and failing to give scores for) three triplets in sequence patterns in certain situations the winning hand contained more than three triplets.
- January-11-2022 Version 2.20
- Fixed bugs:
- Fixed the problem with owner-drawn graphics in the Scores dialog box when running the game on Windows 11.
- Fixed the problem in setting up custom scoring for concealed hands where certain scoring patterns could not be given a scoring value and where the scoring value specified for the concealed version of certain patterns were mistakenly copied as scoring for the concealed version of Four Chows.
- January-18-2021 Version 2.19
- Fixed bugs:
- Fixed the problem with marking concealed Kongs (when melded) correctly when using basic game boards.
- Fixed the problem where jokers were required to be assigned in the context of declaring the hand ready (obligatory declaration) by using the Ready button.
- Fixed a problem of confused tiles in a situation where the East player discarded the last tile received from the Wall during a Charleston (exchange of tiles): if manual tile-arrange option was turned on, the tile replacing the original "last tile" was mistakenly shown as a duplicate of the second but the last tile in the hand, which in certain situations might have resulted in dissynchronization of the displayed and true tiles in the hand.
- Other changes:
- Added support for Microsoft Surface Go 3:2 ratio tablet (1200 x 800 boards with 150% app scaling).
- Updated British Offical Rules (no extra double for a No Chows hand on Goulash deals; limit on number of Chows now applies also to special hands that go out on special ways).
- Added a rule option that allows abandoning a hand when more than one player claims the same tile for going out.
- Added a rule option that allows modifying the maximum number of Chows rule to only limit the number of Chow declarations a player can make during a deal.
- Improved touch-based playing by allowing rearranging of a hand by double tapping on a space immediately on the right of the last tile in the hand, and showing the joker palette by tapping and holding the bottom right corner of a joker tile.
- Added support for Integrated Game Info Views in context of Basic Boards so that the Game Manager, Wall, Available Tiles and Player Info are displayed as alternating integrated views.
- January-6-2018 Version 2.18
- Fixed bugs:
- Fixed minor problems with screen drawing and small memory leaks.
- Fixed the problem with Windows 10 (Fall Creators Update) not supporting animated class cursors (now replaced with external .ani cursors).
- Other changes:
- Added support for Microsoft Surface 3:2 ratio laptops (1128 x 752 boards with 200% app scaling).
- September-3-2017 Version 2.17
- Fixed bugs:
- Fixed the problem where the context menu of the Hands tab of the Game Manager no longer showed when clicking the hand list with the right mouse button, and the problem where clicking the list with the left mouse button would lock the input focus.
- Fixed problems where some of the flower/season tiles were incorrectly drawn when required by the rules to be melded face down.
- April-15-2017 Version 2.16
- Fixed bugs:
- Fixed the problem with the context menu of the Resume button in the Scoring dialog box not showing unless the Touch screen friendly option was used.
- January-21-2017 Version 2.15
- Fixed bugs:
- Fixed a problem with non-recognized versions of the special hand Dragonfly and some other limit hands that would contain two Kong sets, or more.
- Fixed a problem with special mouse cursor icon being used for grabbing a joker tile even when special cursors were turned off, resulting in inability change back to regular cursor.
- Fixed errors related to crediting simple patterns in scoring for losers.
- Fixed problems related to loading last used game board when starting Four Winds.
- Fixed a problem related to using a wrong winning set in situations where multiple choices were available (e.g. using the winning tile apparently for a multiple-chance Chow when scoring for hands like No-points hand would require using it in a one-chance Chow). Scoring however was applied correctly even if the winning set was shown incorrectly.
- Fixed problems related to manually arranging the hand tiles (the tiles would disappear and be duplicated in certain situations).
- Other changes:
- Removed a manifest setting that indicates to system that Four Winds is a dpi-aware application, allowing now system to scale the gameboards according to user's choice (since Windows 8 system-based application scaling affects the whole application and works well especially on modern high-resolution screens, e.g. on modern tablets). On older systems (Windows 7 and earlier) the user can turn off system-assisted dpi-scaling by using the launch icon properties, and accordingly let Four Winds handle non-standard system font scaling (alternatively an executable with internal dpi-aware setting turned on can be downloaded from Four Winds web site).
- Added support for 3:2 ratio screens suitable for devices like Microsoft Surface Pro 3 and 4, and Surface Book.
- Improved playability on touch devices (e.g. added spacing between controls, added support for assigning jokers, etc.).
- Full-screen boards can now be centred to 0,0 position to force task bar to be left in background either by double clicking the title bar, or by moving the window close to top left corner.
- January-28-2014 Version 2.14
- Fixed bugs:
- Fixed the mixed order of player bitmaps when playing with square boards.
- Fixed the misalignment of wall tiles when replaying a deal where a game board layout different from the current one was initially used.
- Fixed the problem that caused garbage text being shown on the message line when playing with rules supporting scoring for ready and/or dealer's extra hands, and inability to display tile information consistently on the message line.
- Fixed a problem where a supplement tile for a concealed Kong declared in a dealt hand (before making any discards) was not recorded in the moves history (and accordingly was never given if the deal was replayed).
- Fixed minor problems with graphics when using the feature where tiles in the Wall were exposed after a finished deal.
- October-16-2013 Version 2.13
- Fixed bugs:
- Fixed the failure to load game boards in certain
situations where the size of the game board exactly
matched the resolution of the display.
- May-31-2013 Version 2.12
- Fixed bugs and improved features:
- Added UI features to better support touch-based devices.
- Further improved support for non-standard system font dpi values (large text) and fixed minor drawing errors.
- Added support for 1280x768 boards (non-integrated,
row-based and square).
- Updated Wilmington Advanced rules.
- January-15-2013 Version 2.11
- Fixed bugs:
- Fixed problems with recognizing certain irregular
limit hands when the hand had a point scoring value
rather than a direct (percentage of) Limit scoring
- Further improved support for non-standard system
font dpi values (large text).
- Fixed a problem with Finnish resources that could
result in game crashing during the deal of tiles.
- November-10-2012 Version 2.10s
- Fixed bugs:
- Fixed minor drawing errors and improved support for
non-standard system font dpi values (large text).
- Fixed the error where discards were loaded from the
theme bitmap instead of the specifed custom tile set.
- April-17-2012 Version 2.10r
- Fixed bugs:
- Fixed an error where red fives were duplicated when manually arranging the hand
or when automatically arranging the hand for scoring
(screen paint errors), or when a red five was part of a claimed set (in
which case the tile was really duplicated).
- Fixed an error related to picking and discarding a tile for "Ding Dong" (exchange of single tiles) when using square boards (right clicking a lifted tile would not discard the tile).
- Fixed drawing problems related to antialiasing pie graphs (on Windows Vista and Windows 7).
- March-1-2012 Version 2.10q
- Fixed bugs:
- Fixed minor drawing errors.
- Fixed a problem where winds determining the initial seat order
and the first East player would always be in the same
- January-3-2012 Version 2.10p
- Fixed bugs:
- Fixed a problem where square boards could not be
loaded in other color modes than 32-bit. Now square
boards work with all color modes (256-color, 16-bit,
24-bit and 32-bit).
- Fixed a problem where "Integrated Board C
(1280x800/720)" could not be loaded if the screen
resolution would be 1280x1024.
- Fixed compatibility problems with old Windows
operating systems (pre XP).
Using 256-color mode screen mode would cause Four Winds
to crash. Scaled bitmaps in many of the new boards were
of poor quality (even when using 24-bit graphics in
high-color screen modes). Square boards can now be used
also on pre XP Windows operating systems (a specific
build is available for systems which cannot use GDI+
graphics library, and gdiplus.dll is available as a
separate download for Windows 98/Me operating systems, if it
is not already installed).
- December-16-2011 Version 2.10o
- Fixed bugs:
- Fixed problems with overly large Dora tiles when
using certain integrated (mainly square) boards.
- Fixed problems with large sized wind discs (in the
Wall window) in the "Four Winds
(24-bit)", "Bakelite" and "Astronomy" themes (and their
equivalent 256-color versions) when using certain large
board layouts.
- Fixed the problem with "Integrated Board F" where
the tiles used in the Available Tiles and
Special Hands views were of
poor quality when using custom tile sets.
- Fixed the problem where the workspace (open state of
auxiliary windows) was not always retained for
non-integrated game boards.
- Fixed minor paint errors on the status bar and in
the square board layouts.
- Fixed a problem where square boards could not be
loaded when using "Integrated board C" and having screen
resolution that would match (or nearly match) the board
- Other changes:
- Added a feature on the Themes
option page of the Preferences dialog
box that allows ignoring the default tile back of a
customized tile set and using the tile back of the
active theme, instead.
- Created a patch that allows the latest version to be
run on old Windows operating systems (pre Windows XP)
not supporting GDI+ graphics, and disabled features
(e.g., square boards) that cannot be used on older systems.
- December-10-2011 Version 2.10n
- Fixed bugs:
- "Japanese Modern" rules were mistakenly labelled as
"EMA Riichi Rules" (which accordinly would appear twice,
the other being actually "Japanese Modern").
- Fixed display problems in Top 50 Games
view when using larger board sizes.
- Fixed an error which caused incorrect display of
Flower and Season tile replacement animation in the
initial hand of AI players.
- Fixed minor graphic errors in "Bakelite" theme and
"Bakelite - Traditional" and "Bakelite - Traditional (no
id)" large tile sets, and "Astronomy" theme large tile
set (and equivalent 256-color versions of all these).
- Fixed problems with exchanged Red and Green dragons
in tile sets "+Set06 - Modern Green (scanned)", "+Set07
- Modern Yellow (scanned)", "+Set07 - Modern Yellow (no
id)", "+Set10 - Japanese (scanned)", "+Set11 - Risan
(scanned)", and equivalent 256-color versions.
- Fixed a problem with non-loading miniature tiles
when reverting from custom tiles to internal tiles while
using "Integrated board D".
- Fixed a problem where the state of the Game
Information Panel was not correctly retained
after changing from a non-integrated board to an
integrated board.
- Fixed a problem where square boards could not be
loaded when using "Integrated board D" and having screen
resolution that would match (or nearly match) the board
- Fixed and enhanced the text display on the
"Statistics" tab of the Game Manager.
- Other changes:
- Enhanced drawing of the statistics graphs (added
- Enhanced window open graphics (added fade-in
animation) and removed unnecessary screen painting when
preparing the game board (mostly affecting the square
- Unified the order in which dragons are shown in the
Available Tiles window to match the
order used when showing dragons in players' hands
(Green, Red and White).
- November-27-2011 Version 2.10m
- Fixed bugs:
- Fixed problems with +Set05 - Transitional (scanned).
- Fixed problems with the contents of the miniature
bitmap of Four Winds shown on the task bar (in Windows
Vista and Windows 7).
- Changed scoring for "Big Four Winds" to Limit in
Chinese Classical rule preset (was 5 doubles).
- Other changes:
- Added a joker and the Red Dora to the following
custom tile sets: +Set04 - Transitional (scanned),
+Set05 - Transitional (scanned) and +Set09 - Bisasky.
Added a joker to +Set08 - Valvassori (scanned).
- November-18-2011 Version 2.10l
- Fixed bugs:
- Fixed problems with miniature tiles in the Special Hands list and joker menu when using
custom tiles.
- Fixed problems with certain 256-color tile sets and
Valvassori and Bisasky custom tile sets.
- Fixed minor graphic errors in tile graphics (large
tile size).
- Other changes:
- Enhanced functionality of hiding the Game
Information Panel: now the position of the game
board is fixed (rather than the position of left edge of
the window), and the program checks that the board is
not positioned outside the edges of the screen.
- November-6-2011 Version 2.10k
- Fixed bugs:
- Fixed problems with fitting the small tiles in the
Scores dialog box when using certain
boards and displaying 16-tile specific game information.
- Fixed minor graphic problems with large
non-integrated boards and with integrated square
1360/6x768 (and 1366x780) board.
- Unified the size of the miniature tiles shown with
the hand description in the Preferences dialog box when
using all game boards.
- Fixed problems with preview of customized tiles when
using certain new board sizes.
- November-4-2011 Version 2.10j
- Fixed bugs:
- Fixed a problem where poor quality tiles were shown
in the Special Hands list when using
certain game boards.
- Fixed a problem with erroneously created masks when
using certain gameboards, resulting in jagged tile
corners, and an error in version 2.10i where wrong wind
of the round might be shown when opening a saved game.
- Other changes:
- Added a feature which allows hiding of the Game Information Panel
(the panel on the left
of the board) when using integrated game boards. Choose Hide Game Information Panel on the
View menu of Four Winds (or press
Ctrl+I) to toggle visibility of the
- The Setup program no longer asks whether it should
delete user-specific data when uninstalling Four Winds.
Cleaning of this information should be done manually.
The feature was removed because users might delete this
information accidentally e.g. when updating the game to
a later version.
- Four Winds now creates backup files of the old
favorites and top 50 hands (appending the string "_OLD"
after the body of the file name., e.g.
4WFAVORS_OLD.DAT). This makes it possible to restore the
old data files should it be necessary to use them with
an earlier version of Four Winds (earlier than 2.10).
- November-2-2011 Version 2.10i
- Fixed bugs:
- Fixed a problem related to color management and
unreleased resources, which would result in corrupt
graphics (e.g., black tiles) and eventual freezing of
the program if the game session lasted for several
hours. The problem would appear in all 2.10 versions.
- Fixed graphic problems related to change of the wind
animation,display of small tiles in the Scores
dialog box and other minor UI problems when using
the smallest square boards.
- Fixed minor UI problems, e.g. inaccurate information
in the Top 50 Games panel, or residues appearing in the
Players window when using other than
the default themes (caused by inaccuracies of the scaled
- Other changes:
- Added a feature which adds hands to the Top
50 Hands by comparing the total point value of
the hand (before applying the Limit).
Hands that score directly the Limit will continue to be
listed first (considered the "best hands"), but hands that have scored the limit because of the point
reduction will be listed in the order determined by
their total point values. The total point value is now also displayed
in the Scores dialog box in
parentheses, e.g., "Total 500
points (3184: Limit applied)".
- October-27-2011 Version 2.10h
- Fixed bugs:
- Fixed an error related to hands containing Chows, which
would result in failure of recognizing several complex
Chow-based hands. The error appeared in all previous 2.10
versions (but not in earlier versions, which, on the other hand,
failed to recognize certain rare combinations which 2.10 can
- Fixed graphic problems related to joker palette when using
many of the new game boards.
- Fixed an error that appeared in v.2.10g that would cause too
large discards to be used with certain game boards.
- Fixed some minor UI issues, and some greater ones that would
occur when opening games played with pre 2.10 versions while
using some of the new game boards.
- Other changes:
- Added an option (Old random generator)
on the Preferences > User Interface > Gameplay
option page which lets the user choose whether to use
the new advanced random number generator for new games
(the default), or the old method, used in versions up to
2.09. The setting is saved with the game so when you
open a game the same method of getting random numbers
will be used. Also, when you open games played with
earlier versions, the method that was used when the game
was played will be used. (This allows you to replay the
game.) In multiplayer games the host's current setting
will be sent along with other game data to the joining
- Fixed a problem with the setup routine where the dialog
boxes asking about deletion of saved games, etc. would be
shown behind the main setup window (this would happen on
Windows Vista and 7).
- October-19-2011 Version 2.10g
- Fixed bugs:
- Fixed minor graphics problems, e.g. incorrect display of
Wall graphics when playing 16-tile Mah Jong; badly fitted
extra tiles in the Scores dialog box and melds and extra tiles
on the board in certain exceptional situations (especially when
playing 16-tile Mah Jong); minor errors in display of tiles when
auto-arrange of hand was turned off; minor errors in status bar
messages; badly scaled graphics when using other than default
themes and some of the smaller game boards etc.
- Claimed Kongs and subsequent saving and loading of the game
would cause unsynchronized tile data, which would result in
players having different tiles in hand than what were shown on
the screen.
- Fixed a Chinese Official (MCR) setting so that supplements
are no longer taken from the open end but from the back end of
the Wall (as in most rules).
- October-8-2011 Version 2.10f
- Fixed bugs:
- Fixed minor UI issues.
- Other changes:
- Added six new 16:9 ratio game boards: Basic 1280x720,
Integrated row-based 1280x720, Integrated square 1280x720,
Integrated square 1360/6x768 or 1366x780, Integrated
row-based 1600x900 and Integrated square 1600x900.
- September-30-2011 Version 2.10e
- Fixed bugs:
- Certain game boards were incorrectly laid out when the
screen size would match the board size and Leave
taskbar setting was used (e.g. using a
1280x800 integrated row-based board on a 1280x800 sized
- Reset registry (Shift) and reset rule configuration
(Ctrl) shortcuts (pressed when Four Winds starts) would show
an empty dialog box without the warning text.
- August-24-2011 Version 2.10d
- Fixed bugs:
- Show Tile Id's (under the View
menu) did not work properly with square boards (only part of
the tiles were affected by the command).
- Tool tips for the scores in the Players
window were incorrectly shown when using square boards.
- The wind of the round animation in the Wall
window (during change of winds) was shown erroneously when
using boards with large tile sizes.
- August-22-2011 Version 2.10c
- Fixed bugs:
- Fixed an error which caused the minimum point setting to
be decreased mistakenly when loading a saved game (would
appear when playing with EMA Riichi rules or any rules where
the minimum is increased after the 5th extra deal).
- Fixed miscellaneous drawing errors, especially when
using the square layout with the 1920x1080 sized game board.
- August-09-2011 Version 2.10b
- Fixed bugs (in versions 2.10 and 2.10a):
- Fixed an error which caused a Red Dora in the dealt hand
be displayed as an ordinary tile and few other errors
related to display of Red Dora tiles.
- Fixed miscellaneous errors related to customized pattern names
(e.g., zero length player names, corrupt settings, etc.).
- Discarder markers were not correctly rotated for the top
and left player when using square boards.
- July-26-2011 Version 2.10a
- Fixed bugs (in version 2.10):
- Fixed problems with Windows taskbar and mislaid game
boards, when using non-default taskbar settings.
- Fixed a multiplayer problem where a wrong discarded tile
on remote computers was shown in a situation where a human player had claimed a tile
and then made a discard.
- July-17-2011 Version 2.10
- Fixed bugs:
- Fixed Vista / Windows 7 related issues: e.g.,
problems related to registration of the program and
inability to distinguish the Vista / Windows 7 dummy application for
WinHlp32.exe from the real application, resulting in
inability to show context sensitive tips.
- The program would not try to re-create folders in
situations where specifications to non-existing paths were
defined for user data, but instead gave various error
messages of inability to save data.
- Fixed the error causing program crash at startup when
using Bauhaus or Four Winds Classic themes with default
sound library.
- Fixed problems related to recognition of ready state of
certain American Limit hands.
- Fixed an error where players' faces where shown
incorrectly in a multiplayer game using changing seat order.
- Fixed an error where failure of using a multimedia timer
caused a program to enter in a pause mode in the middle of
game (choosing View > Show tiles would allow to resume the
game). Now the program retries getting a multimedia timer,
or uses alternative methods for timing events in case one
method fails.
- Other changes:
- Added an option for changing the seats according to the
Chinese Official rules (Mahjong Competition Rules).
- Added EMA Riichi rules as internal rules.
- Added support for resetting the Four Winds system
registry settings by pressing the SHIFT key during program
startup, or the rules configuration file (4Winds.cfg) by
pressing the CTRL key during the program startup.
- Added support for several new screen resolutions,
including modern wide screens and TV resolutions, and
support for square board layouts. The new non-integrated
boards sizes are 1024x768 and 1280x800 pixels, the new integrated
board sizes are 1280x800, 1360x768, 1440x900, 1600x1200,
1680x1050, 1920x1080 and 1920x1200 pixels, and the new square board
sizes are 1024x768, 1280x800, 1440x900, 1600x1200,
1680x1050, 1920x1080 and 1920x1200 pixels.
- Some of the new boards use new, larger tile size
(up to 40% larger than before, the maximum tile size being
50x64 pixels). All themes and most of the optional tile sets
also support the new larger tile size.
- Added support for color management (very useful
with certain new LED displays supporting ultrawide color
gamut; without color management the colors would appear
overly saturated).
- Added four new tile sets.
- Added support for using transparent tile sets
(from 1 to 4) with several options and two new patterns
related to transparency (All transparent and All
- June-19-2007 Version 2.09
- Fixed bugs:
- Fixed minor errors in the user interface (e.g.,
incorrectly updated menu commands when changing certain
rules having effect on menus, discarded jokers occasionally
showing as black tiles, the Tile Claimed box not
always showing all required buttons when using jokers).
- Errors in recognizing certain Limit hands (e.g., Hidden Treasure and
All Green) in a loser's
calling hand. Also, the code erroneously gave points for All Green in joker based hands containing Chows of
non-green tiles. In addition, the code failed to recognize
Emerald, Ruby and Diamond Snake hands
containing unassigned jokers.
- The program failed to recognize a chance for claiming a
tile for a Pung in a joker based hand that could go out on a
discard and had three true identical tiles already in hand.
- The multiplayer games would go out of sync in certain
situations where two or more human players claimed the same
tile (Chow claims and player's own Out declarations were
handled correctly, but Pung vs. other human player's Chow
based claims and Pung vs. other human player's Out
declarations resulted in unsynchronized game).
- In a multiplayer game the AI players games would make
different decisions on the hosting and joining computers and
cause the game go out of sync, if the hosting player started
the game by using the Game > Start a Multiplayer
Game command directly after having launched Four Winds,
instead of using the Game > New Game command.
- In a multiplayer game, if the hosting player was East,
the joining players were not able to claim East's first
discard (it was just shown and immediately placed amongst
- The code ignored the "Included melded tiles" option in
Early Winning 1 and Early Winning 2 hands
(this would affect e.g. the Taiwanese rules): melded
tiles were always included in the tile count no matter what
the option's setting was.
- Fixed exclusion rules that incorrectly ignored certain
patterns in complex hands. E.g., some Kong combinations were
not given extra points when appearing with Two concealed
triplets and Three concealed triplets kinds of
- The offending player's "Scores before" value was
miscalculated in a situation where the player declared
faulty out as East, and the rules specified double penalties
for East.
- Competitive claiming precedence option "Pair > Pung >
Chow" did not work correctly: the order of precedence was
still "Pung > Chow > Pair" even if the alternative option
was checked.
- Other changes:
- Chinese Official rules have been updated (there
are minor changes in Kong scoring and certain Limit hands,
as well as scoring for the Fully concealed hand: now
many limit hands that by nature are always concealed, get
extra 4 points for Fully concealed instead of 1 point
for going out self-drawn). Also, scoring for complex Kong
hands has been updated to meet the CO rules (see help
documentation for details).
- The program now supports user-specific data folders for
saved games, statistics, high scores, etc. The default
parent folder for these data files is still the Four Winds
program folder, but on systems where restricted user
privileges have been set, and on Windows Vista, the data
files will be saved in folders under user's and all users'
"Documents\4Winds2" folders. The folder paths can be
specified in the Preferences dialog box.
- Context help now works on Windows Vista, even if
WinHlp32.exe is not installed. Since the alternative method
does not support formatted text, it is recommended though
that users download WinHelp for Vista from Microsoft's site
(Microsoft unfortunately does not allow including of WinHelp
in 3rd party setup packages).
- The sound effects have been updated. Also, if DirectX is
installed on the system, new background and win of the game
music (.MP3 files) are used instead of MIDI files.
- January-04-2006 Version 2.08
- Fixed bugs:
- The game would incorrectly give points also for a Pung hand
in seven-pair hands that would get scores for being
All even
or All odd. This would happen e.g. in Chinese Official rules.
- There was an error in recognizing the special hand Knitted
Dragon in certain situations. In addition, there were errors in
displaying correctly the sets composing this special hand when
showing the winning hand after a won deal. These errors would appear
e.g. in Chinese Official rules.
- The code failed to recognize the character suit in the pattern
4 triplets in sequence of 1 suit and would only give it the
merit for 3 triplets in sequence of 1 suit.
- Errors in recognizing the special hand Squirming Snake:
the code did not check the presence of the Pung of nines in this
- For the pattern 123789 twice of the same suit there is an
option "Require pair of 5's of the same suit" but when the option is
applied, the code would accept a pair of fives of any suit.
Similarly, for the pattern 123789 twice of two suites there
is an option "Require pair of 5's of the third suit" that would also
accept a pair of fives any suit. These errors would appear e.g. in
Chinese Official rules.
- There was an error in version 2.07 that would make use of the
guided tour (Help > Guided Tour) impossible (the tutorial would get
stuck once started).
- If the pattern Three Little Winds was used, the code
would calculate incorrectly the number of surplus triplets in the
hand. This might result in giving extra points for non-existing
Pungs or Kongs.
- In a multiplayer game the game would go out of synch if a human
player would claim a tile only for a Chow instead of using the same
tile to declare out.
- Quitting the game via the Scores dialog box with a non-saved
game file and saving the file to a location that would result in a
full path name longer than 58 characters would cause program
- The Four Winds font that is used in printing the scores and
graphical hand descriptions had Character tiles 7, 8 and 9 in
incorrect places, resulting in these tiles being mixed.
- Fixed a scoring assignment error in Chinese Classical: losers
should get 4 doubles for Big Four Winds instead of 5.
- Fixed an error in printing the favorite hands (the hands would
have incorrect names).
- February-04-2005 Version 2.07
- Fixed bugs:
- Fixed an error related to recognition of special hands
Big/Small Four Winds and Big Three Dragons
Great Scholars) in a loser's hand containing jokers.
- AI players failed to go out immediately on a joker they grabbed
from another player in a situation where the hand was declared
- The initial replacement of flowers in the dealt hand would
reveal the number of jokers in a player's hand by turning the flower
tiles in their correct positions. Now the flowers are always
replaced from the tail end of the hand.
- If the use of jokers was limited in some way (e.g., not allowed
in Chows or in pairs), and the jokers were auto-assigned in the
human loser's hand, checking of legal use of jokers would fail and
often result in giving zero points for the player's hand.
- If jokers were allowed in melded sets only when that set would
complete the hand, the code would still allow the human player to
use jokers in other melded sets in situations where the player
actually could have declared out but instead declared Chow, Pung or
- The code could not recognize the pattern Run of 6 tiles of 1
suit in situations where the hand contained other Chows of the
same suit that would go between the run, or Chows starting from 5, 6
or 7 that would precede the Chows forming the run.
- Fixed recognition errors in the following special hands:
Royal Chows, Suit Pairs and Honor Orphans (did not accept
Dragons), Golden Gates (did not allow the Character suit or a
Pung of 9's), True Gates and certain other "gate hands" (did
not allow the Character suit).
- Fixed errors in the scoring logic: Windy Ones/Nines now
precede Windy Pungs and Windy Pungs of Same Number,
and Emerald, Ruby and Diamond Snake, and Great
Brothers, now precede Great Snake.
- Jewel hands that can contain Chows (Jade Dragon, Ruby Dragon,
Pearl Dragon, Jade Hand, Pearl Hand, Ruby Hand, All Red and All Green) were not always examined properly for alternative (Pung
based) arrangements, which might result in failure to recognize
these hands in situations, where the number of Chows was limited in
the winning hand.
- AI players having jokers in hand were sometimes incorrectly
given scores for Windy Pairs.
- Fixed yet another error in the recognition of the special hand
Numbers Racket.
- Windy Pungs of Same Number did mistakenly get scores of
the special hand Windy Pungs.
- Fully concealed hands where double Chows of the same suit
followed each other (like B223344 556677) were not recognized as
legal winning hands.
- The 1.x rule preset "Four Winds" was mistakenly marked as
"Taiwanese 16-Tiles Rules" when opened in 2.x version.
- If the use of jokers was restricted so that they were not
allowed in melds, the code might prohibit declarations of Pungs or
Kongs even if no jokers were involved in the declaration.
- If the use of jokers was restricted somehow (e.g., not allowed
in pairs, single tiles or Chows), the code might fail to see in
which set the jokers were or could be used, if the winning tile was
claimed from another player's discard.
- Errors in calculating limit scoring for losers. E.g., if the
loser got 50% of the Limit for some special hands, the final score
of other losers would be zeroed. In addition, the limit was
erroneously applied to the scoring difference between two losers
rather than to the final score of the hand itself (i.e., the option
on the Payments option page was always on), and the
calculation itself also contained errors. Also, if the loser's limit
hand contained jokers, they might have been re-assigned with garbage
data ("black tiles"), even though the scoring would still be applied
- September-23-2004 Version 2.06
- Fixed bugs:
- Red Dora tiles were shown incorrectly when the user had two or
more fives of the same suit in hand, and manual tile arrange was
used (even the regular fives were shown as red fives).
- The code did not check the condition for sacred hand before
checking the missed discard. This would result in false warnings as
regards the player's rights to go out on a discarded tile. The error
would appear only in Japanese Modern rules.
- Errors in handling the Limit point scoring for certain snake
based special hands (i.e., hands consisting of a run from 1 to 9 of
the same suit, the rest being winds and/or dragons). The scores were
multiplied in certain situations.
- When starting a saved multiplayer game where no discards had
been made so far, the program failed to synchronize the hands (the
starting player was erroneously given the next tile of the wall
while other players saw the original correct hand).
- In certain situations the bonus for Flower and Season of Wind
of the Round was given for hands that did not merit it.
- Joker restrictions (e.g., allowing them in Chows but not in
pairs) were not handled correctly. This caused erroneous faulty
declaration of out messages in some situations, and apparently
erroneous use of jokers in certain other situations. AI players also
failed to recognize certain winning hands (e.g., Nine Gates) because
of flaws in handling the joker restrictions.
- Fixed a couple of errors in printed scoring report (e.g.,
computer player's point scores were not shown in detail).
- The Pay between winners setting was not retained when the
Preferences dialog box was opened.
- Fixed minor scoring errors (e.g., point scores for flowers were
skipped in certain circumstances).
- Replaying a hand would cause occasional program shutdowns on
computers running Windows 9x operating systems.
- The optional rule of Kuikae (forbid against illegal claims) did
not work correctly as it would check also hands that were legally
declared Out!
- Fixed a couple of errors related to use of jokers as part of the
winning hand, and incorrect or missing tile assignment of jokers in
AI players' hands (display problems only).
- Fixed some minor problems in the user interface: e.g. draw
options related to payments for dealer's extra hands were not
retained in certain situations, and the Available Tiles
window behaved erratically when the Hints option was disabled.
- Ordinary Pung hands with a Dragon triplet and a Dragon pair, or
a Wind triplet and a Wind pair were falsely given scores for the
limit hand Numbers Racket.
- Improved losers' joker assignments when calculating points for
- Fixed recognition errors related to the special hands
Sanctuary and Fully Concealed Suit Hand. There were also errors
in recognition of the special hand Nine Gates. In addition,
Thirteen Orphans (impure) was not recognized if the rules specified
scoring also for Thirteen Orphans (pure).
- Fixed problems related to continuing a saved multiplayer game
when 3 or more human players participated in the game.
- Points for flowers and seasons were ignored in total scores for
a special hand with a cumulative scoring assignment (i.e. a scoring
setting which is not counted alone but combines with scoring values
for other patterns) in situations where the rules would require a
minimum point for a winning hand and would not allow points for
flowers and seasons to be included in the check.
- When using the penalty option No choice, the notification
"No choice" was shown in vain, if the penalty option Nine tiles error
was enabled.
- Other changes:
- Italian rules have been updated, and some scoring errors were
fixed at the same time.
- Improved support for multiple monitor systems.
- Improved AI related to games where jokers are used.
- The special hand Knitted Dragon now also accepts component
points for Independent (Knitted). This addition is meaningful in
Chinese Official rules, where both these special hands have a
scoring value specified in the point unit.
- The joker can now be assigned also by clicking the top right
corner of the joker, holding down the mouse button, moving the mouse
cursor over the joker palette that pops up, and releasing the button
on the tile to be used as the joker's value.
- February-22-2004 Version 2.05
- Fixed bugs:
- Fixed problems related to new statistical features when used with
random or changing seat order. E.g., in certain situations the
statistical view of the Points dialog box would show mixed total
points (assigned to wrong players). The random seat order would also
cause incorrect point adjustments when an already played deal would be
replayed, and show mixed skill levels on the Players option page of
the Preferences dialog box. In addition, the players' scores were
added incorrectly in the Top 50 Games scores.
- Statistics tab of the Game Manager would display erroneous
statistical information when the Scores dialog box was open (either as
a result of a finished deal or using the Scores command on the
View menu).
- The To Favorites button would be dimmed when returning from
Scores view to Current game view.
- Errors in display of tiles in situation where separate discards
were shown for each player. E.g. when flowers and seasons needed to be
rearranged because of having more than 16 tiles melded, the background
was painted erroneously for the human player. Also, the extra tiles
were not re-arranged correctly when a player declared a concealed or
open Kong on his own turn. In addition, discards were shown
erroneously for AI players when they were displayed on the second row
(and when "Large" game board was used).
- In the Chinese Official rule preset the special hand
Knitted Dragon
did not allow
regular melds.
- Errors in loser scoring in situations where a loser had a calling
hand and would get bonus points for patterns like Concealed hand and
other hands needing only one tile to be complete. This had effect in
rules like Dutch League Rules or American Modern that specify a bonus
for losers for certain calling hands.
- Certain irregular hands (like Wriggling Snake or
Little Snake with
Dragons), when having a percentage of Limit scoring assignment, were
not given correctly scores. Instead of receiving the percentage of
Limit scores they would be given only 1 double.
- When applying the minimum point requirement, the program evaluated
incorrectly the pattern "All Chows and Simples", resulting in
occasional poor playing. This was accentuated in rules like Hong Kong
that do not give extra points for All Simples.
- Joker grabbing (replacing an opponent's melded joker with an
equivalent real tile in the player's own hand) worked incorrectly,
when manual tile arrange was used.
- In Italian rules the scoring for Seven pairs (2 doubles) was specified incorrectly so that points for all other patterns were
- Other changes:
- You can now show the statistics of the specific deal number by
holding down the Ctrl key and clicking the bar graph of that deal
(this works while having the Statistics view active in the Points
dialog box).
- October-11-2003 Version 2.04
- Fixed bugs:
- In scoring for losers with a calling hand the program erroneously duplicated scoring for certain patterns (e.g., Pungs), if the true scoring value of the hand after rounding off the final score would be zero.
- The program failed to recognize White Dragons as valid tiles in the pattern
All Same Upside Down.
- The program sometimes listed bogus scores for losers that had a calling hand. This did not have effect on the final scores and payments but would be reflected in statistics.
- If the Preferences dialog box was closed with the
button while there was a game in progress, the Random
seats setting on the Players option page would be reset to the value saved in the system registry. This might have resulted in confused scoring in subsequent deals.
Also, certain settings on the
Gameplay option page that normally can be changed while a game is in progress, but which are disabled when a multiplayer game is played, could be reset to the system registry values by closing the
Preferences dialog box with the Cancel button (accordingly, a player could override the host's setting).
- The statistics of the current game (e.g., the amount of points won and lost) were calculated incorrectly if a deal was replayed from the
Scores dialog box.
- Fixed errors in drawing the bar and pie graphs that would eventurally cause exhaustion of system resources. The problem was only evident on Windows 9x systems.
- The bar graph for the current game, as shown on the statistics page of the
Scores dialog box, would be erroneously drawn if the number of deals in the whole game exceeded 100. In addition, the percentual wins and average winnings were calculated erroneously.
- The program would make the ready declaration for the player instead of just suggesting it, if the
Hint command was used with rules that require obligatory ready declaration.
- Fixed certain inconsistencies in using the text color (Tile Claimed
dialog box and the dialog box that showed the tournament scores). This would show in themes using other than the default system color (normally black) for the dialog text.
- If the discard timer was turned off (set to zero) and the
dialog box was opened while there was a discarded tile in
a discard slot, the game could not be continued after closing
the Scores dialog box without claiming the tile (and
then making the claim or canceling it).
- If the crown or triangle symbol was clicked to access Top 50
Hands or Top 50 Games view, it was not possible to return back
to the scores for the current game (crown and triangle symbols
appear after a finished deal on the main page of the Scores
dialog box, if the human's most recent hand or game has
been added to these lists).
- Other changes
- Statistical bar graphs for games belonging to a tournament are now shown separately for each game.
- August-10-2003 Version 2.03
- Fixed bugs:
- In scoring for losers, the program failed to give doubles
for Four Seasons (instead, an extra bonus would be
given for the pattern Own Season).
- In scoring for losers, the program would ignore doubles for
a Kong or Pung of player's own Wind, in case the wind would
also be either Wind of the Round or Dominant Wind
(disregarding whether points were given for these patterns).
- In scoring for losers, the program would mistakenly assume
that a calling hand would automatically be given the best
score by using the winning/calling hand's scoring engine. In
certain situations, however, this method would ignore
concealed suit Pungs and multiple pairs in hand. Now the
program performs point calculations by using both the
winning/calling hand's scoring engine, and the scoring engine
for uncompleted hands, and picks the best by comparison.
- If the rules specified scoring for Flower or Season of
Wind of the Round, the program would erroneously give these
bonus points for having Flower or Season of Own Wind (rather
than of Wind of the Round). This would occur only in scoring
for the winner.
- The program would let a user overwrite a tutor card file
in certain situations.
- Fixed a couple of errors in ASCII file reports.
- In Chinese Classical and American Classical rules scores
for certain limit hands specified with the double unit (e.g.,
Little Four Winds, especially in loser scoring) were
calculated erroneously. This was related to handling these
scores as direct counts (that is, ignoring points for all
other patterns), resulting in absurd scoring values like -1 or
-3 points.
- The program would allow jokers in 7-pairs hands, even if
the rules would prohibit the use of jokers in pairs or as
single tiles.
- In multiplayer games the program could not calculate the
losers' scores identically on all computers, if jokers were
included in a loser's hand and they had been assigned a real
tile value.
- In multiplayer games, if 8 jokers were used, the
program would initialize incorrectly the joining players' data
structures, which might have resulted in different moves on
the joining players' computers than on the host's computer.
- Fixed an error related to unitialized index pointer to
the supplement tile when using the rule according to which the
supplement for a Flower or Season tile is taken from the open
end of the Wall (rather than from the Dead Wall). This error
resulted occasionally in unsynchronized multiplayer games when
using Chinese Classical rules (where this type of supplement
tile rule is used).
- 'No choice' declaration (related to pao penalties) did
not work properly for the special hand All Green.
- The Random Seats option (on the Players
option page) would not be saved with a saved game file,
resulting in incorrect accumulation of scores when the game
would be continued at a later time (this would happen if the
current Random Seats option would differ from the
initial setting used when the game was started.)
- When resuming a saved multiplayer game, the code could
not handle situations where the joining player would hold the
third seat counting from the host (e.g., if the host was East
and the joining player North).
- Discarding and undoing repeatedly a tile by using the
keyboard (and without lifting up the tile between the
operations) would give a player superfluous tiles in hand.
- When Expose Wall after deal is over option
(on the General option page of the User Interface
category) was
used, the Wall window would be left in a stage where the Wall
and the Dead Wall were exposed, in case a user replayed a
- Restart of hand was mistakenly allowed during
Charleston. Now the user can use the replay feature only after
Charleston is fully completed.
- In multiplayer games the game would lock up if a human
player promoted a melded Pung into a melded Kong or declared a
concealed Kong on the last tile of the Wall, and there were no
supplement tiles available for replacing the missing tile.
- The rule option according to which the seats are
changed during the game session did not work in multiplayer
games (the players would hold differents seats on different
- Fixed several problems related to use of
non-traditional precedence rules for competetive winning
claims. In addition to not giving the win to the correct
player, these errors would cause multiplayer games go out of
- If overclaiming was allowed in a multiplayer game, the
game would occasionally go out of synch in situations where
the same tile was claimed by more than one player.
- When a saved multiplayer game was resumed and discards
were placed in random manner, the joining players would be
shown only part of the discards.
- Corrected some screen paint problems related to
continuing a saved multiplayer game (e.g., the status bar
information was not correctly shown, and changing the UI
language before starting the game would result in displaying
an empty board).
- If Nagashi Mangan was enabled and the deal ended in a
draw or non-East's win, and East loser had only Terminals and
Honors amongst his discards, the code would mistakenly think
that East won the deal on Nagashi Mangan and would not pass
the deal.
- Errors in recognizing a 16-tile winning hand if it
contained more than two overlapping or identical Chows (e.g.,
B234 234 345 or B234 234 234).
- The program could not import correctly scoring for
deals played in version 1.x of Four Winds.
- Corrected minor problems with overriding rules.
- Other changes:
- Added statistics page in the Scores dialog box. In addition,
the Statistics tab of Game Manager now shows summary
information and pie graphs of the collected data.
- High score tables can now contain up to 50 high scoring
winning hands. In addition, the program now also keeps Top
50 Games tables for each rule preset and saved, user-defined
rule preset.
- Improved algorithms for calculating scores for AI losers
when they have jokers in hand.
- Improved algorithms related to Kong declarations.
- The default chat command (Send to all players) can now
be performed also with the Enter key (in addition to F5).
- Improved AI for Dutch League rules and other related
rules applying minimum double requirements for a winning hand.
- January-03-2003 Version 2.02
- Fixed bugs:
- Fixed an error that caused program crashes during Ding Dong
(exchange of single tiles used e.g. in American Modern rules).
- Fixed an error related to the special hand "Run, Pung
and a Pair". Due to
an error in the evaluatioan algorithm, the program would crash
if one of the AI players decided to go for this hand.
- Yakitori rule worked incorrectly: the winning of the last
deal of the complete game was ignored when determining whether
a player had won any deals during the game.
- The winning tile was erroneously ignored when determining
the number of Ura Dora and Kong Ura Dora tiles a player had in
- Discarded Red Dora tiles were not displayed correctly when
discards were shown per player.
- The use of "Random seats" option on the Players
option page of the Preferences caused errors with sound and
player bitmap assignments, as well as with statistics.
- The program failed to recognize "Triple Knitting"
if the pair was required to be a true pair and it did not
appear as the last set of the hand (this error would occur in
Australian Modern rule preset).
- "Out on a Chow hand" pattern (in the "Basic
points" category) did not work correctly with some
special cases of Chow hands (the points were omitted).
- Fixed errors related to recognition of special hands Little
Snake with Dragons, Windy Chows, Dragonfly and 7-pairs version
of Ruby Jade.
- Fixed several errors related to joker restrictions. E.g.,
the human players were allowed to use more than four identical
tiles in irregular hands, and all players could use a joker in
a Chow, pair or as a single tile in a regular hand if the
joker was the winning tile (or any other tile in an irregular
hand), even if these uses had explicitly been forbidden by the
- When "Regulated doubles" settling table was used
in customized rules, the "double" units were not
available for editing. In addition, totals for losers were
calculated incorrectly.
- Fixed a couple of errors related to replaying the hand,
especially when Charleston was used in rules.
- The program did not update the joker counter in situations
the human player used a joker in a concealed Kong, or used the
replay feature while jokers were used in hand.
- Fixed problems related to use of jokers and special hands
Jade Hand, Pearl Hand, Ruby Hand, Imperial Jade, Imperial
Pearl, Imperial Ruby, All Red and Ruby Jade, especially when
7-pairs versions of these hands were allowed. The error would
happen when examining near-complete hands where one or more of
the examined sets (e.g. a pair or a Pung) consisted of mere
- Fixed problems related to allowing a player to go out on a
non-supported 7-pairs hand in certain special circumstances
(e.g., when Chow restrictions were applied and the hand could
be interpreted as a regular winning hand consisting of 2 or
more Chows).
- Fixed an error related to exhaustion of multimedia timer
resources. The error would appear as sticky tile animation
after the game had been played for about 20 minutes. The error
was noticeable only on Windows NT and XP systems.
- Other changes
- Following changes have been made to Australian Modern rule preset: identical pairs are
now allowed in 7-pairs hands (including the special hand Knitting), and a knitted pair
is now required in the special hand Triple Knitting.
- Improved slightly AI related to claiming of Kongs.
- Added support for Windows XP Visual Styles.
- September-09-2002 Version 2.01
- Fixed bugs:
- Fixed an error that
would result in occasional random winning hands (normally one
of the AI adversaries declaring out with a non-existing 7-pairs
- In rules where a minimum point requirement was applied on a
winning hand, the losers might occasionally receive points as
if they had a winning hand (this would appear e.g. in Dutch
League Rules).
- The joker counter was not correctly updated if a player had
Flowers or Seasons in the dealt hand and received one or more
jokers as a supplement tile while exchanging the extra tiles.
This would eventually result in inability to assign true
values for jokers and other related problems.
- If eight jokers were used in the game, the Available
Tiles window would not show the number of remaining jokers
- Performing Windows shut down while Four Winds was running
would result in program error in case a user chose not to save
the ongoing game. Also, the prompt for saving the game would
be displayed twice.
- Fixed several problems related to games where rotation of
seats was enabled (e.g., the customized sound assignments were
displayed incorrectly, replaying deals across the seat
rotation failed, etc.)
- The non-traditional Chow claiming options of a version 1.x
game were not retained correctly when loading a version 1.x
game in version 2.00.
- The basic point scores (for losers) and doubles for basic
sets (for losers) were not imported when loading a version 1.x
game in version 2.00.
- Errors in recognizing Knitted Chows in
situations where a human player would go out by claiming the
winning tile to a knitted Chow.
- Music files (background music and winning the game) were
occasionally not played because the code omitted the path to
the music files.
- When playing a tournament consisting of several matches, and
the previous match ended in a Goulash deal, the first deal of
the new match was erroneously played with Goulash rules, as
well. This error would appear e.g. in British Official rules.
- Arranging tiles manually might result in dead locks in
certain situations, e.g. arranging a tile while a computer
player was claiming a tile would cause a dead lock. Now
conflicting processes should not occur, or if they occur and a
dead lock appears, the game can be resumed by Ctrl+clicking
the hand (performing a temporary auto-arrange of the hand).
- Arranging tiles manually with the keyboard while the other
players were making their moves would cause program errors and
lockups. These problems appeared only when a Small or Medium
sized game board was used.
- The regular payoff scheme was not correctly restored after
an insurance penalty was applied. Accordingly, the remaining
deals of the game were played with an incorrect payoff scheme
according to which the discarder of the winning tile pays for
all losers.
- Windows user names longer than 12 characters and without
space characters (e.g., "Administrator") would
result in reverting to default game settings each time Four
Winds was launched. Now the default human player name
"Player" is used if the Windows user name is too
- Error in the Missed Discard rule in "Absolute"
and "Absolute (conditional)" modes when jokers
were used and a player who missed the winning tile had at
least one joker in hand. The program could not handle the
jokers properly when evaluating whether the recent discards
would have made a player's hand a winning hand.
- Start a Multiplayer Game Wizard could not handle
correctly a join procedure, if the joining player did not have
a registered copy of Four Winds.
- A multiplayer game would go out of synch if a human player
clicked a discarded tile but did not specify the actual claim
within a log-off timeout specified by the host (default value
being 180 seconds). In addition, setting the log-off
timeout to zero (which should have resulted in not using
log-off timeout at all) would trigger this behavior
practically immediately when a human would make a claim.
- Errors in scoring if
hand or Last-chance hand was acknowledged in rules.
If the winning tile was claimed from the previous player, the
program could not restore the state of the hand (as regards
its being a hand that goes out on a discard) after checking
whether a hand was one-chance or last-chance. This, in turn,
would result in scoring errors, and as a side effect,
considering irregular hands that go out on a discard as faulty
- Text color of tool tips did not
honor the corresponding system color setting (though the
background color did).
- If a custom tile set was used to
override an internal tile set, the setting was not retained
between the sessions or if a saved game file was opened, or a
game was aborted and a new one was started
instead, the internal tile set was used.
- The contents of players' hands
after a just finished deal were not shown in the Scores dialog
box even if Always show all hands when the deal is
over option (on the Gameplay option page of the Preferences
dialog box) was checked (the hands were correctly exposed
on the table, though).
- The program could not automatically assign files with .mp3 and other DirectX supported sound extensions for the 'Win of the game' and 'Background music' events of
a user-defined theme.
- Scores for All same upside down were erroneously
given according to the scoring value specified for another
pattern, All 2's, 5's or 8's.
- Fixed several serious problems in handling Triple
Knitting hands (the version allowing a true pair in the
winning hand).
- The winning tile was excluded from the count of Kong Dora
and Kong Ura Dora tiles. In addition, Ura Dora tiles were not
displayed in the Dora Tiles window (below the Wall)
unless the winner actually got scores for Ura Dora (however,
the Scores dialog box displayed the Ura Dora tiles
- The fixed point scoring value for Seven pairs was
not correctly saved when using customized rules with a Mangan
settling table.
- Corrected some problems related to use of Red Dora tiles
(e.g., changing of Red Dora to regular tiles or vice versa,
inability to use miniature sized Red Dora tiles from a custom
tile bitmap, etc.). The program also failed to use custom
tiles in creating the joker palette.
- Fixed problems related to marking the claimed tile in Pungs
or Kongs in situations where one or more of the tiles involved
was a joker or a Red Dora. Now the claimed tile is always the
last tile of the set. Also, if the claimed tile was a joker
and the game was replayed, all tiles of the claimed set would
be shown as jokers.
- Other changes:
- Minor corrections in the following rule presets: Taiwanese
16-Tile Rules (changed scoring for Flowers and Seasons),
Korean Style (changed scoring
of All Flowers, ready declarations and fully concealed
hands that by definition imply Concealed hand) and Dutch League Rules
(changed scoring
for certain 7-pairs patterns).
- Added a feature that lets a user specify which of the
buttons of the Tile Claimed dialog box (Chow, Pung,
Kong, Out or Ignore) gets the keyboard
focus when the window is opened. This can be done by pressing
and holding down the Ctrl key and clicking the desired button
(to avoid choosing the action assigned to the button, move the
mouse cursor outside of the button area and release the mouse
button only after that).
- Added Use smart cursor option on the General
page of the User Interface section of the Preferences
dialog box. When checked, the mouse cursor is
automatically moved over the button having the keyboard focus
when a window is opened. The feature works only with windows
with owner-drawn graphics and buttons (it has no effect on
standard windows). This features is useful especially when
using a system extension (like Smart Move included in
MouseWare) that does the same for standard windows.
- The maximum length of a theme name is increased to 50
characters (was 20).
- July-05-2002 Version 2.00
- Initial release of the new 2.0 version.