Downloads Version 1.x Files
Version 1 is no longer for sale but is still available for download.
Versions 1.x and 2.x can be installed and used concurrently on the same
computer (though they cannot be run simultaneously).
Note: Four Winds 2 opens version 1.x files so there is no need
to keep version 1.x installed for that purpose alone. But there might be
other reasons you wish to use version 1.x (e.g., it has Swedish and
Russian language modules which the version 2 does not have at the moment).
Note that all registered users of version 2 can download version 1.14,
which they can use with their version 2 registration
Important: Four Winds 1.x setup packages cannot be
installed on 64-bit Windows systems, and the program is not fully
compatible with Windows Vista or 7 (e.g., it relies on system-based
virtualization to handle incompatibilities with user privileges). To have
full compatibility with modern Windows systems, please upgrade to version
Complete game packages
- Four Winds Mah Jong version 1.14a Complete game in one package
File Size: 2.728 MB, Date: September-19-2003 Download
- Four Winds Mah Jong version 1.14a Multipart download
1: 4w1141.zip (1.374 MB)
Disk 2: 4w1142.zip (1.221 MB)
Note: After having downloaded the zip files, extract them in
a temporary folder (e.g., c:\4wtemp) and then start Setup.exe.
If you wish to create backup copies on 1,4 Mb diskettes, extract the
contents of the zip files in two separate folders (e.g., c:\4wdisk1
and c:\4wdisk2) and copy the extracted files on two 1,4 Mb diskettes.
Update packages
- Four Winds Mah Jong version 1.14a
File Size: 891 kB, Date: September-19-2003 Download
Note: Users of Finnish, Swedish or Russian versions:
After downloading the program update,
please download the updated language module!
Language Modules
- English Language Module
File Size: 623 kB Date: August-10-2003 Download
- Finnish Language Module
File Size: 637 kB Date: August-10-2003 Download
- Swedish Language Module
File Size: 625 kB Date: August-10-2003 Download
- Russian Language Module ( Software only) thanks to Alex Rex!
File Size: 318 kB Date: August-10-2003 Download
To accompany the module, you might also want to download
the rules in Russian.
- English Tutorial
File Size: 1.629 MB Date: March-15-2000 Download
- Finnish Tutorial
File Size: 1.654 MB Date: March-15-2000 Download
Note to users with large amount of RAM:
Due to a bug in Macromedia Director v.6.5, users with large amount of
RAM may encounter the following error when trying to launch the tutorial:
"This application requires at least 3MB of free virtual memory to
To prevent this error, do the following:
Reduce the maximum Virtual Memory setting in the System control panel
(in the Performance tab) or select the setting in this control panel
"Allow Windows to manage my virtual memory settings".
If setting the Virtual Memory manually, the amount you will need to
reduce this setting will vary from configuration to configuration.
Generally, a maximum Virtual Memory setting of 200MB will prevent the
error from occurring.
16-Color Module
- 16-Color Module (to be used with old computers supporting only 16
File Size: 275 KB Date: August-3-1988 Download
Version history
Click the items below to see the details of each version (when using a
browser other than Internet Explorer the list items are not collapsed and
appear already expanded).
- September-19-2003 Version 1.14a
- Fixed bugs:
- Fixed an error related to Windows log-in names with no
space characters. If a user-defined name was not specified for
the human player (i.e., the default name, Player, was
used), the program would cause an illegal instruction when
trying to automatically compose a human player name based on
Windows log-in name
- August-10-2003 - Version 1.14
- Fixed bugs:
- Fixed an error related to exhaustion of multimedia timer
resources. The error would appear as sticky tile animation
after the game had been played for about 20 minutes. The error
was noticeable only on Windows NT and XP systems.
- Fixed a memory overflow error that might result in an
unexpected program closure in certain circumstances.
- Fixed a couple of screen paint errors related to changing of
the wind of the round in the Wall window.
- In Hong Kong Mah Jong Four Chows now requires a
valueless pair (i.e., a pair that is not composed of Dragons,
Wind of the Round, or Player's Own Wind). This limitation was
erroneously ignored in the previous versions.
- The Limit in Hong Kong Mah Jong was erroneously set to 128
though it should have been set to 64 (however, this did not
have any effect in scoring except in a situation where a
player would need to pay the penalty for going out).
- Identical pairs are now accepted in the special hand Seven
pairs, unless the Japanese style paying method (To
winner only by discarder / all losers option on the Points
I tab of the Preferences) is chosen (in Japanese
rules identical pairs are typically not allowed).
- Bonus for dealer's extra hands is now paid to any
winner of an extra deal (not just to the dealer who wins an
extra deal).
- Improvements
- Added features that make version 1.14 binary compatible with
the Pocket PC version 1.0. This allows you to play games
interchangeably with your PC and Pocket PC.
- July-02-2002 Version 1.13
- Improvements:
- Added a feature that allows using of version 2.x
registration name and number with version 1.13.
- March-03-2002 Version 1.12
- Fixed bugs:
- Fixed an error related to recognition of certain kinds of
calling hands on systems that do not support
Scandinavian/German sort order. Hands where the first set of
the would-be winning hand was a pair (e.g., calling with B3
C5C5C5 C7C7C7 D8D8D8 D9D9D9) were not recognized as calling
(or ready) hands on these systems.
- Fixed an error related to an erroneous recognition of the
Limit hand All Honors. On systems having a non-Western
language (e.g., Chinese or Japanese) as the language of the
non-Unicode programs any Pung hand (a hand consisting of any
four triplets and a pair) was mistakenly considered as an All
Honors hand.
- Minor UI fixes in dialog boxes.
- January-04-2002 Version 1.11
- Fixed bugs:
- Fixed the programs flexibility to handle large title and
menu bars while using the Small game board (640x480 graphics).
Accordingly, the graphics are no longer cut when using the
Small game board and the default visual style of Windows XP.
- Fixed a minor error related to displaying a misleading error
message (related to having too many Chows in hand) in a
situation where a player declared out by claiming a tile for a
Chow from a non-valid player. The error would occur only if
the rules restricted BOTH the number of Chows in a winning
hand, AND a player's right to claim a winning tile to a Chow.
- March-15-2000 Version 1.10
- Fixed bugs:
- When playing with Hong Kong rules, having all Flowers or all
Seasons would give 3 points (faan) instead of 2, but the total
score was calculated as if 2 points were given. This error
appeared in version 1.09 where the scoring for Flower or
Season of the Wind of the Round was removed. Now having all
Flowers or all Seasons scores 2 points, as in most rules based
on faan-laak scoring system, and the scoring is correctly
- It was possible for East human player to discard tiles while
the initial replacement of Flower and Season tiles was going
on. This is now prohibited.
- In certain situations the number of available tiles and
preferred discard was incorrectly calculated for AI players,
resulting in occasional bad tile evaluations.
- Summary report printed incorrectly when a resolution other
than 300 dpi was used.
- The game would freeze in certain situations when a saved
game was loaded while using a different size game board than
in the original game (e.g., if the saved game was played using
the small board, and large game board is used when the game is
- There was a problem with moving the child windows on Windows
NT. A moved window was positioned completely off-screen
whenever its top or left border would cross the screen top or
left border.
- The game incorrectly ended a deal in draw in case a Kong was
declared when only one tile was left in the Wall.
- A minor error relating to registry keys fixed.
- June-12-1999 Version 1.09
- Fixed bugs:
- Reports printed incorrectly when resolution other than 300
dpi was used.
- On Windows NT, saving of per-user based data in the system
registry would trigger the installation mode, resulting in
failure to launch the program in case the user had logged in
as a non system administrator.
- Errors in the rule of dealer's extra hand fixed. Payments
for dealer's extra hands were calculated incorrectly in Hong
Kong rules. Also, the dealer did not receive limit points
after 7th extra hand (8th successive win) and the deal
counter was not reset nor was the deal passed after the 7th
extra hand.
- Details for ready declaration payments, payments for
dealer's extra hands and penalties for faulty declarations
were not included in the score reports (neither on screen
nor on print).
- When customized Hong Kong rules were used with scoring for
Concealed hand enabled, the game would incorrectly give 10
points for a concealed hand (winning tile being a discard).
Now the points are given only for fully concealed hand when
the scoring is based on Hong Kong rules (Faan-Laak scoring).
- When Hong Kong rules were used, the points for All Honors
and Big Three Dragons were omitted from the total score, and
for All Honors, the implied combinations (e.g. No Chows and
One Suit with Honors) were not excluded from the point
calculation. In addition, 1 bonus point was erroneously
given for a Flower or Season of Wind of the Round.
Now the scoring is fixed as follows:
a) All Honors
Basic score 7 points, points for Dragons and Winds
excluding. The hand always implies one value Pung, the worst
scenario being three Wind Pungs none of which is a value
Wind, plus a Dragon Wind. Four Winds adds points for value
Pungs to the basic score (so in practice, the hand always
scores at least 8 points).
Additional points for several other combinations,
excluding the following, which are implied: No Chows, One
Suit with Honors.
For Dragon Pungs the bonus is given only for the second
Pung (the first being implied). However, full bonus will be
given for having Big Three Dragons (6 pts) or Little Three
Dragons (4 pts) in All Honors hand.
b) Big Three Dragons
basic score 6 points
additional points for several other combinations, but
not for dragon Pungs (as they are implied).
c) Flowers and Seasons
1 point for player's own Flower or Season
1 point for no Flowers and Seasons
- March-02-1999 Version 1.08
- Fixed bugs:
- The program gave an incorrect total score for human player's hand
in case the player could go out on a discard in more than one way
(basic points were missing from the total though correctly listed in
scoring details).
The error occurred in versions 1.06 and 1.07 (but not when Hong Kong
rules were used).
- In the case human player claimed a tile and had a chance to go
out on a Pair, Pung and Chow, the program did not display button for
the Pair option.
- In the case human player claimed a tile and had a chance to go
out on a Pair, Pung and Chow, but did not declare Out in the Tile
Claimed dialog box, but immediately after having melded the claimed
set (Pung or Chow), the program would calculate points according the
best possible claim, disregarding the actual tile set that was
- In the previous case, if the player saved the game before
declaring Out, and then loaded the saved game, the program would
calculate the points according the best possible claim, but did
always assume that the last melded set was Pung.
- When the Finnish language module was used, the program would
cause illegal operation (or behave otherwise unstably) after
declaring a melded Kong of White or Red Dragons. Similar problem
occurred occasionally at the start of the deal, if the human player
was North. (The message box informing about the next dealer and your
own wind would sometimes display nonsensical strings or cause Access
violation error).
- The accelerator keys for Kong buttons were erroneous (in case a
player could choose from several Kongs).
- If the rule of obligatory ready declaration was used and one of
the computer players had a ready dealt hand, the program would mark
one or two of the other computer players ready, as well.
- The rule of Sacred Discard was erroneously implemented. In
addition to forbidding the player to claim a sacred winning tile, it
also prohibited from claiming a tile for a non-winning combination.
Now the rule is applied as it is used traditionally.
- On Windows NT, if Four Winds was installed or launched by a
non-administrator user and the system security would prohibit
non-administrator installations (permission to write in
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software) the program would go in loop on launch
without being able to exit.
- Volume control of MIDI background music (with + and - keys of
numeric keypad) did not work for all devices supporting programmatic
volume control (e.g. SoundBlaster Live! or any other board or
configuration supporting more than one MIDI device).
- December-01-1998 Version 1.07
- Fixed bugs:
- The claimed tile is now repainted if it is covered by another
window while the Tile Claimed dialog box is active.
- Double clicking a tile discarded by human caused an extra tile
appearing in the hand. Now double clicking the discarded tile has no
side effects.
- Fixed a minor error in the scoring of Valueless hand.
- September-01-1998 Version 1.06
- Improvements:
- Hint for number of tiles played (discarded and melded) improved:
while holding down the SHIFT key, it is no more necessary to click
the tile for which you wish to see this information (just hold down
the SHIFT key and move the mouse cursor over the tiles).
- Fixed bugs:
- Shortcuts for Hint (H) and Undo (Ctrl+Z) would work even if Allow
Hints and Allow Undo options were disabled.
- Keyboard and mouse accelerators (Enter key / click on the game
board) for confirming human player's discard did not work if Allow
Undo option was disabled.
- If player ignored his claim (by choosing the Ignore button in the
Tile Claimed dialog box), the discarded tile was not displayed
amongst the discarded tiles. The bug appeared only if the penalty
for faulty declaration of out was disabled.
- The limit hand All green did not work correctly (it would accept
a self-drawn non-green winning tile, e.g. Bamboo 5 for a Chow
composed of Bamboo 3, Bamboo 4 and Bamboo 5).
- The program erroneously gave 20 points for the winning hand
(human player only) when Hong Kong rules were used and the player
could use the claimed winning tile in more than one combination.
(This error appeared in versions 1.03, 1.04 and 1.05.)
- April-13-1998 Version 1.05
- Fixed bugs:
- The improved Kong play for computer players (added in version
1.03) contained a bug that would result in computer players randomly
claiming Kongs for every tile discarded.
- April-08-1998 Version 1.04
- Fixed bugs:
- A memory leak fixed in the animation of Wind bones in the Wall
window. The error resulted in the eventual exhaustion of the system
resources if several rounds were played in the same session.
- June-04-1998 Version 1.03
- Improvements:
- Slightly improved Kong game for the computer players.
- Fixed bugs:
- The program incorrectly gave doubles for No Chows in case the
winner received points for "Four triplets, three of which
concealed". ("No Chows" is implicitly included in
"Four triplets").
- The program incorrectly gave points for the Valueless hand in
case the winner went out on a one-chance tile and had an opportunity
to go out on a non-one-chance combination. (The points for the
Valueless hand were not listed in the Points dialog, but were
included in the totals.)
- The program incorrectly gave points for the Valueless hand in
situations where the winning tile was a one-chance tile, but the
winner had in hand a tile similar to the winning tile (this is legal
only if the similar tile in hand is not bound to a combination where
it is itself a "one-chance" tile).
- November-29-1997 Version 1.02
- Fixed bugs:
- The program did not recognize One suit with honors in case there
were no suit tiles in the hand (that is, the suit tile were among
the melded tiles).
- The program erroneously gave extra points for value pairs to
losers having a set of four tiles in the hand (the player would have
points both for Pung and a Pair).
- The program gave two doubles for All Seasons or All Flowers when
it should have given three, and vice versa.
- The case where a combination would give two doubles was reported
erroneously as giving only one double (the points, however, where
calculated correctly).
- The setting for showing of tile ID's was not saved in a saved
- October-07-1997 Version 1.01
- Improvements:
- Demo mode now runs in an indefinite loop. New game
is started as soon as a game is finished.
- Fixed bugs:
- The discards were arranged erroneously, if a player got more than
18 discards (only when each players discards were displayed in
separate areas).
- Background music of Four Winds theme used track settings of the
default MIDI file (4winds2.mid) even if the background music was
- Helen and Tim made occasionally silly decisions regarding hands
to collect.
- The maximum number of Chows rule setting was saved erroneously in
the system registry.
- Error in the recognition of Seven pairs: the last pair was not
examined (any single tiles were accepted).
- If the rule of obligatory Ready was applied, the dealer (East)
could not declare Out if he got the winning hand in the dealt hand,
nor could other players declare Ready before East's first discard.
Now there is an exception, which allows players to declare Out
before making the first discard either self-drawn (East), or by
claiming the winning tile. In the latter case, the human player must
press the Ready button before East makes his first discard
(the Ready button is enabled for 20 seconds before the deal
- The program did not accept claiming a single tile (other than for
a pair) as a winning tile for the limit hand "Thirteen
- The program did not accept concealed Kongs in the limit hand
"Hidden Treasure".
- Couple of user interface errors fixed (e.g., state of the Show
Tile Id's command).
- June-13-1997 Version 1.0