
Limit and Special hands – Serpents

The following hands are based on runs of the same suit, and many of them are irregular: These hands are typical to Western, especially American and French, versions of Mah Jong.
Limit or Special Hand Description Options
Squirming Snake
(Ch. pan yuan she)
Dot 1Dot 1Dot 1 Dot 2Dot 3Dot 4 Dot 5Dot 6Dot 7 Dot 8Dot 8 Dot 9Dot 9Dot 9
All one suit: Pung of 1's and 9's, pair of 2's, 5's or 8's, and two Chows from the remaining numbers. The hand must be concealed (the winning tile can be a discard), unless Allow melded option is checked.
Allow melded (Y/N) CC, D Yes
Double if concealed (Y/N)
Great Snake (a.k.a. Dragon's Tail) Character 1Character 3Character 4 Character 5Character 6Character 7 Character 8Character 9Character 9 White DragonWhite DragonWhite Dragon West WindWest Wind
Sequential Chows from 1 to 9 of the same suit, Pung/Kong of Dragons and a pair of Winds, or Pung/Kong of Winds and a pair of Dragons. The hand must be concealed (the winning tile can be a discard), unless Allow melded option is checked.
Allow melded (Y/N) AM Yes
Double if concealed (Y/N) AM Yes
Run, Pung and a Pair Dot 1Dot 2Dot 3 Dot 4Dot 5Dot 6 Dot 7Dot 8Dot 9 Dot 7Dot 7Dot 7 Dot 9Dot 9
Sequential Chows from 1 to 9 and any Pung and a pair of the same suit. The hand must be concealed (the winning tile can be a discard), unless Allow melded option is checked.
Allow melded (Y/N)
Double if concealed (Y/N)
Emerald Snake Bamboo 1Bamboo 2Bamboo 3 Bamboo 4Bamboo 5Bamboo 6 Bamboo 7Bamboo 8Bamboo 9 Green DragonGreen DragonGreen Dragon East WindEast Wind
Sequential Chows from 1 to 9 of the Bamboo suit, Pung or Kong of Green Dragons, and a pair of Honors. The hand must be concealed (the winning tile can be a discard), unless Allow melded option is checked.
Pair must be of own Wind (Y/N)
Allow melded
(Y/N) F Yes
Double if concealed (Y/N)
Ruby Snake Character 1Character 3Character 4 Character 5Character 6Character 7 Character 8Character 9Character 9 Red DragonRed DragonRed Dragon East WindEast Wind
Sequential Chows from 1 to 9 of the Character suit, Pung or Kong of Red Dragons, and a pair of Honors. The hand must be concealed (the winning tile can be a discard), unless Allow melded option is checked.
Pair must be of own Wind (Y/N) D Yes
Allow melded
(Y/N) F, D Yes
Double if concealed (Y/N) D Yes
Diamond Snake Dot 1Dot 2Dot 3 Dot 4Dot 5Dot 6 Dot 7Dot 8Dot 9 White DragonWhite DragonWhite Dragon East WindEast Wind
Sequential Chows from 1 to 9 of the Dots suit, Pung or Kong of White Dragons, and a pair of Honors. The hand must be concealed (the winning tile can be a discard), unless Allow melded option is checked.
Pair must be of own Wind (Y/N)
Allow melded
(Y/N) F Yes
Double if concealed (Y/N)
Little Snake Dot 1Dot 2Dot 3 Dot 4Dot 5Dot 6 Dot 7Dot 8Dot 9 East WindSouth WindWest WindNotrh Wind Green Dragon
Tiles from 1 to 9 of the same suit, one of each Wind, and any Honor tile. The hand must be concealed (the winning tile can be a discard), unless Allow melded option is checked.
The pairing tile must be wind (Y/N) AM Yes
Allow melded (Y/N) F Yes
Double if concealed (Y/N)
Little Snake with Dragons Dot 1Dot 2Dot 3 Dot 4Dot 5Dot 6 Dot 7Dot 8Dot 9 Green DragonRed DragonWhite Dragon East WindEast Wind
Tiles from 1 to 9 of the same suit, one of each Dragon, and a pair of Winds. The hand must be concealed (the winning tile can be a discard), unless Allow melded option is checked.
Allow melded (Y/N
Double if concealed (Y/N)
Wriggling Snake (News) Dot 1 Dot 1Dot 2Dot 3 Dot 4Dot 5Dot 6 Dot 7Dot 8Dot 9  East WindSouth WindWest WindNotrh Wind
Tiles from 1 to 9 of the same suit, one of each Wind (in American games, often arranged as N, E, W, S), and any tile composing a pair with one of these tiles. The hand must be concealed (the winning tile can be a discard), unless Allow melded option is checked.
The pairing tile must be 1 (Y/N)
Allow melded (Y/N)
Double if concealed (Y/N)
Five Odd Honors Dot 1Dot 2Dot 3 Dot 4Dot 5Dot 6 Dot 7Dot 8Dot 9  Red DragonGreen DragonSouth WindWest WindNotrh Wind
Tiles from 1 to 9 of the same suit and five different Honor tiles. The hand must be concealed (the winning tile can be a discard), unless Allow melded option is checked.
Allow melded (Y/N)
Double if concealed (Y/N)
Great Brothers Dot 1Dot 2Dot 3 Dot 4Dot 5Dot 6 Dot 7Dot 8Dot 9 Red DragonRed DragonRed Dragon East WindEast Wind
Tiles from 1 to 9 of the same suit, Pung or Kong of Dragons or Winds, and a pair of own Wind. The hand must be concealed (the winning tile can be a discard), unless Allow melded option is checked.
Allow melded (Y/N) F Yes
Double if concealed (Y/N)
Peking Garden Dot 1Dot 2Dot 3Dot 4Dot 5Dot 6Dot 7 Green DragonRed DragonWhite Dragon East WindSouth WindWest WindNotrh Wind
Tiles from 1 to 7 of the same suit, one of each Dragon and Wind. The hand must be concealed (the winning tile can be a discard), unless Allow melded option is checked.
Allow melded (Y/N) F, AU Yes
Double if concealed (Y/N)
Cheater’s hand Dot 1Dot 2Dot 3Dot 4Dot 5Dot 6Dot 7 East WindSouth WindWest WindNotrh Wind  Green DragonGreen DragonGreen Dragon
Tiles from 1 to 7 of the same suit, one of each Wind and Pung of Dragons. The hand must be concealed (the winning tile can be a discard), unless Allow melded option is checked.
Allow melded (Y/N) F Yes
Double if concealed (Y/N)
Seven Lanterns
(a.k.a. Seven Lanterns of Palace)
Red DragonRed DragonRed Dragon South WindSouth WindSouth Wind Dot 1Dot 2Dot 3Dot 4Dot 5Dot 6Dot 7 Dot 3
Pung of Dragons, Pung of player's own Wind, a series of tiles from 1 to 7 of any one suit, and any tile forming a pair with one of the tiles in the suit series. The hand must be concealed (the winning tile can be a discard), unless Allow melded option is checked.
Require Red Dragons (Y/N) AU Yes
Allow melded
(Y/N) F, AU Yes
Double if concealed (Y/N) AU Yes
Knitted Dragon Bamboo 1Character 3Dot 3 Bamboo 4Character 6Dot 6 Bamboo 7Character 9Dot 9 Dot 2Dot 2Dot 2  Green DragonGreen Dragon
1, 4, 7 of one suit, 2, 5, 8 of another and 3, 6, 9 of the third suit, plus any regular set and a pair (note though that Knitted Dragon can also be part of irregular hands like Independent (Knitted)) . The hand must be concealed (the winning tile can be a discard), unless Allow melded option is checked. 
This hand is the only irregular hand that is handled as if it were a regular hand, i.e., a player can receive additional points for the remaining sets and for patterns like Chow hand and All suits, Dragons and Winds. (Note however that completing the hand with any of the tiles belonging to the knitted Chows does not give extra points for a special way of going out, e.g., Out on a one-chance Chow, etc.) 
The hand can also be combined with Independent (Knitted) unless the hand is modified with an option that by definition already requires the presence of Knitted Dragon.
Allow melded (Y/N) CO Yes
Double if concealed (Y/N)
Knitted Dragon with Winds
a.k.a. Serpentine of four Winds
Bamboo 1Character 3Dot 3 Bamboo 4Character 6Dot 6 Bamboo 7Character 9Dot 9 East WindSouth WindWest WindNotrh Wind Red Dragon
1, 4, 7 of one suit, 2, 5, 8 of another and 3, 6, 9 of the third suit, one of each of the four Winds, plus any fifth honor tile.
Knitted Dragon Royal
a.k.a. Royal Serpentine
Bamboo 1Character 3Dot 3 Bamboo 4Character 6Dot 6 Bamboo 7Character 9Dot 9 Green DragonRed DragonWhite Dragon South WindSouth Wind
1, 4, 7 of one suit, 2, 5, 8 of another and 3, 6, 9 of the third suit, one of each of the three Dragons, plus a pair of player's own Wind.

Related topics:
Basic scheme of calculation
Basic tile points
Scores for basic sets
Scores for Flowers and Seasons
Scores for patterns based on Chows
Scores for patterns based on Pungs and Kongs
Scores for patterns based on the whole hand
Scores for miscellaneous patterns
Scores for winning
Limit and Special hands – Classical
Limit and Special hands – Pairs
Limit and Special hands – Special ways of going out
Limit and Special hands – American hands
Limit and Special hands – Miscellaneous

Printing scoring items
Renaming scoring items
Resetting the names of scoring items
Inclusion and scoring of hands and patterns