Rule presets

WMPA Rules

This preset represents the rules laid out by the World Mahjong Players Association (WMPA), an organization that was founded in Korea in 1999. The association has created rules that combine modern Chinese and Japanese elements in order to "promote a renaissance of Mahjong" with supposedly simplified rules and scoring.

The winning hand must be worth 3 faans, which is not hard to achieve as the rules acknowledge several relatively easy-to-collect patterns, most of which are the same as in the modern Japanese rules, but some patterns used e.g. in the Chinese Official rules are included, as well. The WMPA rules also use the rule of Riichi, but with options which are based on the Nashi-Nashi version of Japanese Mah Jong (these rules are much stricter than the ones used in the Ari-Ari based Japanese Modern rule preset). Other typically Japanese adaptations include the rule of Sacred discard (in an extended mode) and Missed discard. On the other hand, deal is never passed on a draw (a Chinese feature), and instead of rewarding a player for a fully concealed hand, a modern Chinese practice of giving 1 faan for going out self-drawn is used.

The rules introduce a new payment method, according to which the winner's final score is squared and paid by all losers, in case the winner goes out self-drawn, and – as in Japanese Mah Jong – by discarder alone and for all losers, in case the winner goes out on a discard. On the other hand, East receives and pays the same as the other players (as in modern Chinese Mah Jong).

For more information on these rules and playing the game online, visit the WMPA's web site.
Tiles 136 (No Flowers or Seasons)
Initial points 0
Limit points 20 (in practice 400 pts, determined by a settling table, which gives 400 pts for hands worth 20 faans or more)
Restrictions for the winning hand Minimum of 3 faan required
Claiming rules for going out Player first in turn wins
Passing of the deal When non-dealer wins
Rule of Ready Rule of Riichi: voluntary declaration, concealed hand required (concealed Kongs allowed before the declaration), locked hand but non-altering concealed Kongs allowed, the hand must meet the minimum point requirement without depending on going out self-drawn (i.e., there must be at least one case where the hand can go out on a discard); ready bonus is zeroed in case the player declares out on a self-drawn tile, that as a discard would not produce enough points; missing a winning tile makes the hand dead; 1 faan if succeeded, no declaration cost.
Dead hand rules None
Payment To winner only; WMPA scheme
Discards Per player with extended discard information 
Specialties Unique payoff scheme; deal passes after East's win; Sacred Discard (extended mode); Missed Discard
Scoring Basically a simple "point-based" scoring system where the winner's final score is squared; in Four Winds achieved by using a Faan-Laak system with a settling table.
Basic tile points None
Scores for basic sets Pung/Kong of Dragons (1 faan), Pung/Kong of Own Wind (1 faan), Pung/Kong of Own Wind (1 faan)
Scores for Flowers and Seasons Not used
Scores for patterns based on Chows Same Chow from all suits (2 faan), Two identical Chows (0/1* faan), Two identical Chows twice (0/3* faan), 3 Chows of 1 suit, step 2 (2 faan)
Note: * indicates scoring for concealed patterns
Scores for patterns based on Pungs and Kongs Three triplets of the same number (2 faan), Three concealed triplets (2 faan), Three Kongs (2 faan), Four concealed triplets (12 faan), Four Kongs (12 faan), Little Three Dragons (4 faan)
Scores for patterns based on the whole hand Concealed hand (1 faan), Chow hand (1 faan, no Honor pairs allowed), Pung hand (2 faan), All Simples (1 faan), Terminal or Honor in each set (2 faan), Terminal in each set (3 faan), All Terminals and Honors (4 faan; Pung hand not implied), Same number in each set (3 faan, the number must be 5), All suits, Dragons and Winds (2 faan), One Suit and Honors (3 faan), One Suit only (6 faan)
Scores for miscellaneous patterns None
Scores for winning Fully exposed hand (2 faan),  Self-drawn last tile (1 faan), Out on the last tile of the Wall (1 faan), Out on the last discard (1 faan), Out on a supplement tile (1 faan), Out by robbing a Kong (1 faan), Out on 1st turn with a self-drawn tile (15 faan), Declaration of Ready (1 faan), Ready on first turn (2 faan)
Rounding None
Penalties Faulty out: The offender is not allowed to go out during the rest of the deal; Faulty claims: 1 pt for each faulty claim, paid to the winner; Faulty declaration of Ready: 3 pts, paid to the winner of the deal; Insurance penalties: None
Limit hands Classical: All Green (12 faan + components), Three Great Scholars (12 faan + components), Little Four Winds (12 faan + components), Big Four Winds (20 faan + components), All Honors (12 faan + components), All Terminals (15 faan + components), Nine Gates (100 % of Limit), Thirteen Orphans (15 faan + components); Serpents: None; Pairs: Seven pairs (2 faan + components); Special ways of going out: None; American hands: None; Miscellaneous: None.

Related topics:
Classification of rules
Alan's Zung Jung
American Classical
American Modern
British Official
Chinese Classical
Chinese New Style
Chinese Official
Chinese Transitional
Dutch League rules
EMA Riichi Rules
European Classical
Hong Kong Mah Jong
Internet Mahjong Server
Italian Official
Japanese Classical
Japanese Modern
Japanese Transitional
Korean Style
Mahjong Masters Million
Taiwanese 16-Tile Mah Jong
Wilmington Advanced 12-Tile rules
Comparison table