Zung Jung Mah Jong by Alan Kwan is developed based on a number of existing modern scoring systems, in particular Shanghai New Style and Modern Japanese. As the name suggests ( 'Zung Jung' means "the Middle Way" as in Confucian doctrine) this is an 'intermediate' style of play (between Cantonese/ Hong Kong Old Style and Shanghai New Style), that may either be enjoyed fully on its own, or used as a stepping stone towards eventually learning New Style.
Zung Jung is a pattern-based modern system designed with game playability as its primary goal. Instead of using a settling table and faan based scoring, points for patterns are simply added up. The major goal of this scoring system is to avoid over-complexity while offering a game of adequate depth and variety.
The payoff scheme used in the rules is the simplest possible: each loser pays the winner directly the amount of winner's final score, disregarding the way of going out. Flowers and seasons are not used in these rules, as they're not needed in a system where you can get points through many available patterns.
Tiles | 136 |
Initial points | 1,000 |
Limit points | 320 |
Restrictions for the winning hand | None |
Claiming rules for going out | Player first in turn wins |
Passing of the deal | Always when the deal ends (after draw and even when East wins) |
Rule of Ready | None |
Dead hand rules | None |
Payment | To winner only; Simple payoff scheme |
Discards | Per player with extended discard information |
Specialties | Patterns emphasized; simple point scoring without doubles or settling tables; passing of the deal; concealed Kongs are melded face down; no bonus for Wind of the Round |
Scoring | Point-based |
Basic tile points | None |
Scores for basic sets | Melded/ Concealed Kong (5 pts), Pung/Kong of Dragons (10 pts), Pung/Kong of Own Wind (10 pts) |
Scores for Flowers and Seasons | Not used |
Scores for patterns based on Chows | Same Chow from all suits (35 pts), Two identical Chows (10 pts), Two identical Chows twice (55 pts + 5 pts for Chow hand), Three identical Chows (120 pts), Four identical Chows (200% of Limit), 3 Chows of 1 suit, step 3 (40 pts) |
Scores for patterns based on Pungs and Kongs | 2 Pungs/Kongs and a pair of the same number (25 pts), Three Pungs/Kongs of the same number (120 pts), 3 Pungs/Kongs in sequence of 1 suit (100 pts), 4 Pungs/Kongs in sequence of 1 suit (200 pts + 40 pts for Pung hand), Two Kongs (20 pts), Three Kongs (120 pts), Four concealed triplets (120 pts + 40 pts for Pung hand), Four Kongs (200% of Limit), Little Three Dragons (60 pts), Little Three Winds (25 pts), Big Three Winds (120 pts) |
Scores for patterns based on the whole hand | Concealed hand (5 pts), Chicken hand (1 pt), Chow hand (5 pts, forced scoring), Pung hand (40 pts, forced scoring), All Simples (5 pts), Terminal or Honor in each set (40 pts), Terminal in each set (50 pts), All Terminals and Honors (120 pts, Pung hand not implied), One Suit and Honors (40 pts), One Suit only (100 pts) |
Scores for miscellaneous patterns | None |
Scores for winning | Out on the last tile of the Wall (10 pts), Out on the last discard (10 pts), Out on a supplement tile (15 pts), Out by robbing a Kong (15 pts), Out on 1st turn with a self-drawn tile (100% of Limit), Out on 1st turn with a discarded tile (100% of Limit) |
Rounding | None |
Penalties | Faulty out: The offender is not allowed to go out during the rest of the deal; Faulty claims: None; Insurance penalties: None |
Limit hands | Classical: Three Great Scholars (160 pts + components), Little Four Winds (100% of Limit), Big Four Winds (150% of Limit), All Honors (100% of Limit), All Terminals (125% of Limit), Nine Gates (200% of Limit), Thirteen Orphans (100% of Limit); Serpents: None; Pairs: 7 pairs (25 pts + components), identical pairs allowed; Special ways of going out: None; American hands: None; Miscellaneous: None. |
Related topics:
Classification of rules
American Classical
American Modern
British Official
Chinese New Style
Chinese Official
Chinese Transitional
Dutch League rules
EMA Riichi Rules
European Classical
Hong Kong Mah Jong
Internet Mahjong Server
Italian Official
Japanese Classical
Japanese Modern
Japanese Transitional
Korean Style
Mahjong Masters Million
Taiwanese 16-Tile Mah Jong
Wilmington Advanced 12-Tile rules
WMPA Rules
Comparison table